This two-volume set includes more than a hundred original problems (and their solutions) in (traditional) linguistics and computational linguistics. NACLO is a part of ELCLO (the consortium of English-language computational linguistics Olympiads, which includes Australia, Ireland, and Great Britain in addition to NACLO’s members, USA and Canada).
The collection has been edited and augmented in order to make it appealing to a variety of audiences, from middle and high school students interested in languages, to teachers of languages, linguistics, and computer science, and to anyone fascinated by the phenomena of human language. All problems include detailed solutions that indicate how one can reach the answer even without any knowledge about the specific language or phenomenon on which the problems are based. The authors of the problems are linguistics and computer science professors and students and include several past contestants in the IOL, NACLO, and similar competitions.
Download the two volumes together here: password is "again".