I entirely agree that the absence of the two Novak symphonies from the cd repertoire is quite astonishing. It is extraordinary that no record company has taken them up or shows any inclination to do so. Sad!
For completist enthusiasts the absence of anything at all from the CD repertoire is astonishing and deplorable, - but for those able to discriminate in some measure, certain absences become understandable and less offensive. While the existing dubs of Novak's Symphonies may be less than ideal, they present the music well enough for anyone to recognize these are rather mediocre and unmemorable works not especially worthy of advocacy and revival, - a judgment Colin himself came close to affirming some years ago after me urging him to re-engage with the music in critical fashion. Again and again I've concluded the same, - that whereas occasional sections of each piece do have a certain incidental appeal, overall the music is simply undistinctive and lacking in focus and integration. It wears out its welcome and is just not top drawer Novak, the quality of whose output varies quite considerably. While no one would object to some adventurous commercial recording entity espousing these works on behalf of the curious minded and those insistent on hearing everything, I'm convinced were that to happen any initial enthusiasm would dissipate quickly, and the recordings (however archivally satisfying) become largely unplayed. Sometimes the rationality of relative indifference by both recording companies and listeners alike ought to just frankly be acknowledged.