« on: August 12, 2016, 02:16:30 am » |
I recently compiled a huge catalogue of much of the British Music posted by James Stuart on You Tube.
One point that struck me with incredible force was that I was repeatedly typing the names of Bryden Thomson, Sir Charles Groves, Sir Edward Downes and Norman Del Mar. All of these fine British conductors are now deceased. Thomson, in particular, both at the BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra and at the BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra (as they were then known), championed the cause of British composers, especially neglected composers. The amount of British music performed by these conductors with their respective orchestras during the 1960s-1990s is absolutely amazing.
It is, I suppose, not entirely surprising that these orchestras, now under conductors from overseas, should no longer perform as much British music. It was, however, to the immense credit of Jerzy Maksymiuk when he was at the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra that he was so willing to do so.
Those of us who cherish British music and can download so many of the radio broadcasts owe conductors like Bryden Thomson a debt beyond measure!