Toby Esterhase
Sorry, Roger, Imants Kalnins didn't write a Violin Concerto. You must mean Janis Kalnins.
Perhaps Alfreds Kalnins? Are they relative?
Jolly Roger
Sorry, Roger, Imants Kalnins didn't write a Violin Concerto. You must mean Janis Kalnins.
Perhaps Alfreds Kalnins? Are they relative? sorry for causing the confusion..I need to get the last name right. let me check to see what I have but I think it was from CBC.
If indeed CBC you're likely thinking of the Violin Concerto by Talivaldis Kenins recorded on that label.
Jolly Roger
If indeed CBC you're likely thinking of the Violin Concerto by Talivaldis Kenins recorded on that label.
Yes..that's it thanks for the correction
Concerning Jānis Kalniņš's violin concerto, it is clear from the recording that its tonality is F sharp minor rather than F minor.
Level 2

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Hi all,
I wanted to utilise your knowledge to answer something that has been bugging me for years. I've just read through the whole Latvian Music thread again and I don't think it's been covered already.
The Campion CD 'Ivanovs Vol 7.' with the piano concerto and 10th symphony. also included a short track which they labelled as the Andante for Cello Ensemble. It's obvious it's actually a piece for string orchestra. When I asked Campion many years ago, they decided that they actually had no idea what it really was. I know it's not a string orchestra arrangement of the Andante, as I have the score for the cello ensemble piece and they are not the same. I also think I'm right in believing I can't post the recording here because it was available commercially. My question, as you may have guessed, is, does anybody know what that piece actually is? It's a lovely piece and I'd like to track down a score and/or parts and perform it.
Thanks a lot, Lee
When I was in Riga earlier this year I bought an LP called simply "Latvian Music". It has the following symphonic pieces on it, consisting of music by Latvian composers, or by other composers but performed by Latvian artists:
Lavry, Marc (1903-1967) - Kas tie tādi - Lāčplēšiem - Dzimtene
Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901) - Trubadūrs - Traviata
Jurjāns, Andrejs (1856-1922) - Nevis slinkojot un pūstot
Mediņš, Jāzeps (1877-1947) - Baudi zaļo jaunību (Enjoy the green youth) - Meldermeitiņa
Šancbergs, Pēteris (1841-1923) - Es dziļi glāzē ieskatījos
Gounod, Charles (1818-1893) - Fausts
Zommers, V. - Vai gudrās dabas mājiens - Laiks Steidzas Prom (Time rushing away)
...I can't find any info on the last composer, V. Zommers. Full name, dates, nationality....does anyone know anything of him?
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Level 1
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These compositions seem to be Latvian student songs, likely traditional in origin, maybe Zommers arranged them at some point. I doubt he was a professional composer. "Vai gudrās dabas mājiens" appears to be also known as "Cik pulkstens nositis", Googling these titles I found 78 rpm performances by one Ādolfs Kaktiņš (some opera numbers in Latvian there as well), the label of the shellac disc lists the composer only as "student song".
As far as I can tell, Kaktins is the conductor.
I don't think this Zommers is the same as Vladimir Sommer. Maybe our ember Latvian can enlighten us?
Just uploaded Vasks Viola Concerto. Another masterpiece! Enjoy.
Just uploaded Vasks Viola Concerto. Another masterpiece! Enjoy.
It is simply gorgeous!
Level 2

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Posts: 94
Thanks for the Vasks.