Level 2
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Posts: 95
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:12:07 am » |
Thanks for the great Tansman post, Jowcol. He was the first L'ecole de Paris composer I got interested in, after finding a used copy of his string quartet cycle at the Princeton Record Exchange some years ago. His polytonal harmonic language and brisk style just swept me off my feet and I've been an enthusiast ever since. At this point, I have almost all of his available music on CD or MP3 and have been slowly accumulating his scores for further study. In my most recent foray into the library system, I found scores for his first piano concerto (not recorded), a ballet based on Tolstoy's Resurrection, and his opera Sabbatai Zevi. Having completed lists for his comrades Mihalovici and Harsanyi, I've been meaning to assemble a works list for him for years, but haven't yet gotten around to it. Maybe I'll do that next. His catalogue is a little spotty, since (a.) he didn't use opus numbers and (b.) a number of early works are lost, including his first string quartet and his first piano trio.