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French music

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Author Topic: French music  (Read 9911 times)
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2014, 01:56:20 am »

Medea Mey-Figner, soprano (warning: VERY old recordings!)

Fauré, Jean-Baptiste (1830-1914) - Le Crucifix (V. Hugo) (recorded pre-1910)

Charlotte's Aria - from Werther, Act III - Charlotte's Aria - from Werther, Act III (recorded 1901)

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875) - Habanera - from Carmen, Act I
                                                        - Seguidilla - from Carmen, Act II
                                                        - Chanson Bohémienne - from Carmen, Act II

Nikolai Figner - tenor and piano

from MELODIYA LP M10 45191 008
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« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2014, 04:10:10 pm »

20th Century French Piano Concerti

From the collection of Karl Miller

The faulty version of the first movement of the Francois Piano Concerto has been corrected, and is posted here:,_Samson_Unknown_Title_French__20th_Century.mp3


Jacques Dupont (Jacque-Dupont) "Divertissment 1948" Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
Composer, Piano
Paris Conservatory Orchestra
Pierre Le Conte, Conductor
Radio Broadcast

Jacques Casterede: Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Strings
Marie Claude Werchowski, piano
ORTF Chamber Orchestra/Pierre Monet, Conductor

Christian Manen: Piano Concerto, Op 30(1957)
Aline Von Berenson, piano
Conducted by Pierre Dervaux

Claude Pascal: Piano Concerto (1958)
Genevieve Joy, Piano
ORTF Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Andre Girad

Samsmon Francois: Piano Concerto
Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire
Samson Francois, Piano
Conducted by Georges Tzipine
Source LP: Pathe FCX 229

Rene Challan: Concerto Pastoral
Conducted by Georges Tzipine
Source LP: Pathe FCX 229

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« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2015, 05:32:41 pm »

Music of Charles Koechlin

From the collection of Karl Miller


Volume 1:

Hymne au Soleil Op 127
(1st Movement Symphonie d'hymnes)
Edited break due to side change of cassette
BBC Concert Orchestra/Gary Brain

Hymne a la Nuit, Op. 48 no.1
(2nd Movement of Symphonie d'hymnes)
ORTF/Franz Andre

Symphonie No. 1, Op 57bis
ORTF/Manuel Rosenthal

Organ Chorale in F Minor Op. 90bis
Graham Barber organ

Le Jeu de la Nativite for small Orchestra
(Performers announced)

Volume 2:

Vers la Voute Etoilee
Berlin Philharmonic/ Zoltan Pesko

Liberte, Op. 153
From July 14th Incidental  Music for a play by Romain Rolland
Chorale de la Prefecture de Police
Musique des Gardiens de la Paix
Desire Dondeyne, Conductor
Chant du  Monde, LDX-M_8197

Chorus of Jeunesse Musicale de France
Organist Announced
Lyric Orchestra
Louis Martini, Conductor
Masterworks from France, Program 107

Classic Walpurgis Night Op. 38
ORTF/Andre Girard

Seven Stars Symphony, Op. 132
London Philharmonic/ Norman del Mar
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« Reply #48 on: February 10, 2015, 08:47:52 pm »

July 14th Incidental Music for a play by Romain Rolland

From the collection of Karl Miller

Overture /​ Jacques Ibert
Palais-Royal /​ Georges Auric
Introduction et marche funèbre /​ Darius Milhaud
Prélude /​ Albert Roussel
Liberté /​ Charles Koechlin
Marche sur la Bastille /​ Arthur Honegger
Fête de la liberté /​ Daniel Lazarus

Chorale de la Préfecture de police
Musique des Gardiens de la paix
Désiré Dondeyne, conductor
Source LP: LDX-M-8197

Curtain Designs for play by Picasso:

Cover for second vinyl release in 1976:

PDF of the play (in French) available here:

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« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2015, 08:34:30 pm »

More Music of Charles Koechlin

From the collection of Karl Miller

The Composer Speaks (in French, and English Translation)
Poem for Horn and Orchestra, Op 70

Performers, venue and date unknown
Symphony No 2 Op 196
I. Fugue on a subject by Ernest La Grand
II Scherzo: L'ame libre et Fantastique
III Andante( a suite of 6 chorales)
IV. Fugue modale sur un subject de Catherine Urner
V Final
London Philharmonic
Cond by Constantine Silvestri, 1967
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« Reply #50 on: April 04, 2015, 01:14:19 pm »

Her is one more orchestral piece of Charles Kochlin

La Cité nouvelle, rêve d'avenir d'après H.G.Wells Op.170 (1938)
Orchestre national de la RTF, Maurice Le Roux
(concert donné le 16 janvier 1962 au théâtre des Champs Elysées à Paris)é_nouvelle,_rêve_d'avenir_d'après_H.G.Wells_Op.170_(1938)_Orchestre_national_de_la_RTF,_Maurice_Le_Roux_(concert_donné_le_16_janvier_1962_au_théâtre_des_Champs_Elysées_à_Paris).mp3

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« Reply #51 on: June 24, 2015, 03:39:54 pm »

Explore the Crystal Clear S0und of Sonotape SW 1005
Sorry for the cross post- there are multiple nationalities involved!

From the collection of Karl Miller

This is an interesting find- a transfer a commercial Reel to Reel Tape issued in the 1950s, with a lively cross section of 20th Century Music. Anything with Iron Foundry and Sensemaya has to be good! I'm pretty sure  the image above is of the source of  Karl's transfer.

If you paid 60 cents in November of 1956 for your new copy of High Fidelity, you would have found the following review.


Not the friendliest review but with a 15 inch  per second source tape, as opposed to a worn LP, you will really get some very good sound from recordings that are more than 60 years old.    From what I  can guess, the "study in percussion" may have been something whipped up by the engineers to show off the speakers in your bachelor pad,  as it was not released on vinyl. It was probably created  to show off the "crystal clear" sound of tape, and maybe to rival your collection of Martin Denny Exotica albums.

As you download this file, I'd suggest getting out your martini shaker, and pour drinks for two.

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« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2015, 01:06:38 pm »

Music of Jean Michel Damase

From the collection of Karl Miller

Violin Concerto
Annie Jodry(?), violin
ORTF, Eugene Bigot, conductor
Possibly December 22, 1956
NOTE: 650 edits!

Bel Ami (TV Score)
Performers unknown

Piege de Lumiere, Ballet (1952)
New York Ballet Theater Orchestra
Robert Irving, Conductor

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« Reply #53 on: September 05, 2015, 03:02:42 am »

Le Roi Arthus (King Arthur) by Ernest Chausson (1886 to 1895) [video]

Amédée-Ernest Chausson, who was born in 1855, grew up apart from other children and among people highly cultured but much older than himself. He retained the marks of this experience throughout his lifetime, and the serious and thoughtful, even melancholy, inclination of his personality was intensified by it. His tutor, Brethous-Lafargue, who stimulated his interests in reading, drawing, and attending exhibitions and concerts, and obtained his entrance at about the age of sixteen to various Parisian salons, including those of Musset’s godmother Mme. Jobert and then of Mme Saint-Cyr de Rayssac. There he rubbed shoulders with Fantin-Latour, Odilon Redon, Chenavard, the Abbé Lacaria and the young d’Indy. His first song, Lilas, was written in 1877. In 1879 he became Massenet’s pupil at the Conservatoire. His teacher considered him ‘an exceptional person and a true artist’.

As evidence of his independence he composed a piano trio, opus.3; its felicitous spirit pays homage to Massenet but its harmonic richness and cyclical form are a tribute to Franck, whose course Chausson also attended, as an unenrolled listener. The mystical aspect of Franck’s class made it nearer his own temperament than Massenet’s instruction. Added to this dual training, whose parts were opposed in spirit and style of writing but beneficial to the young man’s education, were his visits to Germany to hear Wagner.

He married a woman in 1883 and took her to hear Parsifal at Bayreuth. Henceforward Chausson led a peaceful, uneventful existence shared between his family (there were five children) and music; he discovered an equilibrium and happiness. His many journeys, in France and abroad, to some extent reflected his wish to work in peace away from Paris. There, during the season, his famous salon at 22 boulevard de Courcelles welcomed many poets and artists from Mallarmé to Régnier, from Franckists to Debussy and Albéniz, from Pugno to Cortot and Ysaÿe. Throughout his life he showed himself a tireless worker ‘understanding only effort which is constant … and directed towards one goal’. Out of his devotion to absolute standards and a nagging desire for perfection he laboured long over his scores.

His whole period after 1886 to 1894 is dominated by large-scale, essentially dramatic works: the intense Poème de l’amour et de la mer (1882–93), La légende de Sainte Cécile (1891) and above all the opera Le roi Arthus (King Arthur), which occupied Chausson from 1886 to 1895. Set to the composer’s libretto in elevated language, the music of Arthus bears his intimate thoughts on life. After the fashion of the old king, he perceives life ‘fixing on all things a gaze free from anger’, ‘believes in the power of effort and the energy of the will’, and is supported in his struggle by faith in a pure and lofty ideal. The opera is far removed in spirit from the Schopenhauerian pessimism of Tristan, which, however, it resembles in its libretto, sound palette and motivic procedures. During the composition of his opera Chausson also wrote his noble Symphony in B op.20 (1889–90) and the Concert op.21 for piano, violin and string quartet (1889–91), both of which underline his adherence to Franckism with their cyclical form, many modulations and intensely expressive lyricism, but also announce new directions.

Chausson's quest in music was to apply ‘the rule which corrects emotion’, as Braque said – to achieve that supreme assiduity that renders the thought loftier, and the image clearer.

This item comes from a live broadcast transmitted from Paris at the end of July this year. Some of the interviews have English subtitles, but the opera itself has French subtitles. The file begins with a stupendous scene of French traffic outside the opera house!

Download Chausson's Roi Arthus as a three-part rar archive:!9kdUXJpD!43yRWFIP-PGEBRKL8dUDBD_9584R8K0iTw3nkIgsVGQ!E88VASSR!6wsjzP7oOIJkl9YgyXGhJkPGGFSy4 5eYxAGtC2DpCkA!owExibZT!kvh8svfdNIPs8_tnvQuG4HKDO6G4P 2_AJVsx-KAJfdw

First download all three parts. And after that, use WinRar to open part 1. All three parts will then be automatically joined for you and you may save the complete file Arthur3.mkv

File name:  Arthur3.mkv

File size:  1,005,853,323 bytes

Duration:  three hours fifty-four minutes
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« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2015, 09:49:07 am »

Jean Rivier: his Fifth Symphony (1950)

Jean Rivier lived from 1896 to 1987. He was a prominent interwar composer, taking a leading role in the Groupe du Triton, particularly from 1936 to 1940. From 1948 to 1966 he was professor of composition at the Conservatoire, a position he shared with Milhaud until 1962.

His works reveal a rhythmic drive and intensity. Chant funèbre is evocative, with effective use of percussion and repetitive ostinato patterns. Rhythmic incisiveness and a deliberate exoticism are notable in Danse du Tchad and Le voyage d'Urien, both Gide-inspired works. Rivier was attracted to other contemporary writers, such as Valéry and Apollinaire, and to early poets, including Ronsard and Du Bellay.

He makes prominent use of superimposed 2nds, 7ths and tritones. Open 4ths and 5ths are also prominent, for instance, in the Concertino for viola and orchestra. Rivier's preferred composers – Prokofiev, Stravinsky and Honegger – reveal his stylistic and aesthetic orientation. Musical construction was important to him and his works adhere to traditional forms.

This fifth symphony appeared in 1950:

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« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2015, 08:18:53 am »

Jean Rivier: Requiem (1953)

Pour solistes, chœur et orchestre
1. Introit
2. Dies irae
3. Offertoire
4. Sanctus
5. Agnus Dei
6. Libera me
Irma Kolassi, mezzo-soprano
Lucien Lovano, baryton

Performed: Paris. Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, 24 mars 1955
Orchestre National de la RDF
Chœur de la RDF (René Alix, chef de chœur)

Recording broadcast : France-Musique, mid-Eighties
Tuner/tape recorded, transferred to Wave and converted to Flac


Thanks to BrianA to post Youtube link to Rivier sym 6.
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« Reply #56 on: March 02, 2016, 08:14:01 pm »éril

Tony Aubin 1907-198i
Péril, musique de Ballet, Orchestre Chorégraphique de Paris, Tony Aubin, Direction, 10" LP OPP RTP
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« Reply #57 on: April 28, 2016, 02:13:40 am »

Music of Francis Poulenc

From the collection of Karl Miller

Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra
Composer and Evelyne Crochet, pianos

Gloria (Premiere)
Adele Addison, Soprano
Chorus Pro Musica (Alfred Nash Patterson, conductor)

Boston Symphony Orchestra
Charles Munch, conductor
[21 January 1961]

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« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2017, 12:36:51 pm »

As requested by mr. Clive:

Nicolas Bacri
Symphony No.1!G8EiyTjC!6uXNe73rHh4lufmTiXZEbUPz272yT QilmasrVOrnQQI

Symphony No.5!zhcFwZBb!ViskAiatWsHhykVuM7OaJ2lEXi8EY dIjKYtDqNBLIuk

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« Reply #59 on: May 15, 2017, 08:11:35 am »

Ah - magnificent...thanks ! Just for clarification, it's definitely no. 5,yes, not no. 2 as stated at one point ?!
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