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Peruvian orchestral music

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Author Topic: Peruvian orchestral music  (Read 139 times)
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« on: July 25, 2015, 04:28:54 pm »

Although the programmes of Peru's classical radio Filarmonía are very prone to last-minute change, one cannot ignore the following, scheduled for Tuesday 28 August. Times are PET (Lima), identical to CDT in the United States (Houston, Chicago), or BST -6 (London), or CEST -7 (Paris, Berlin...).

The URL for live listening is . Once the radio window opens, you still need to press the "play" button.

I am particularly keen on hearing the symphony (the Third, from 1974) by Rodolfo Holzmann, a German-born composer who spent most of his career in Peru.

Jorge Bravo de Rueda (Perú)
Virgenes del Sol ,para flauta y cuerdas
José Bernardo Alcedo (Perú)
La chicha, canzoneta peruana
Mariano Melgar (Perú)
Delirio, yaraví
Carlos Sánchez Málaga (Perú)
Te Seguiré, huayno
Armando Guevara Ochoa (Perú)
Feria andina
Armando Guevara Ochoa (Perú)
Festejo N° 1 para cuarteto de cuerdas
Rodolfo Holzmann (Alemania)
Sinfonía “Huánuco”
Gioachino Antonio Rossini (Italia)
Obertura de la ópera “El barbero de Sevilla”
Charles Camille Saint-Saëns (Francia)
Habanera para violín y orquesta Op.83
Juan de Dios Aguirre Choqueconsa (Perú)
Saqsaywaman, poema evocativo
Claudio Rebagliati (Perú)
Rapsodia peruana, un 28 de julio en Lima

If anyone reads this and has the capacity to record the broadcast and share it on this forum, it would be fantastic.
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