The problem is that the mp3 metadata system is only designed to work for pop music. Most music software is keyed to sort on "artist" (who is actually the guy who designs the CD cover), which is very unhelpful, and if you browse about on the likes of Spotify you can find works that are impossible to identify. You get the performer and title only (which could be "Prelude").
I put the composer in the "artist" field, the movement title ("I. Allegro") for "track", and the title of the whole piece ("Symphony no 3") as the "album". This loses the performers, but I can live without that.
I am suggesting for cataloging ones personal collection and for ease of access with normal search tools, and certainly not for compatibility with any music software I sometimes ad the opus and year in the same field. It greatly eases my ability to find, sort and list things I already have by simply putting both the composer(last name,First) and title in the title line and using simple search tools. There are also tools for accessing the tag
fields. Adding to the comments and accessing the properties field is just more gravy for me..I also add the actual performers in the artists line.
Sorry, but since I have zero interest in today's pop music, I am suggesting it for classical only.