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Israeli Music

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Author Topic: Israeli Music  (Read 1409 times)
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« on: May 02, 2013, 06:38:31 pm »

Music of Paul Ben-Haim

From the collection of Karl Miller, with a few additions.

Volume 1
1-4: From Israel (Suite for Orchestra)
Denver Symphony Orchestra
Saul Caston, Con.
Mar 11, 1958

Note:  The Stokowski version  of the Suite has  5 movements.
1. Prologue
2. Song of Songs
3. Yemenite Melody
4. Siesta
5. Celebration

5: Yiskor, Concerto for Violin
Shimon Mishori
Radio Orchestra of Israel
Shalom Ronli-Riklis, Cont.

6. Pastorale Variee for Clarinet, Harp and Strings

Op. 31
James Livingston, Clarinet
Louisville Orchestra
Robert Whitney, Cond.
LP Source: LOU 626  Released 1967

7.  Dance and Invocation
“Breslau Symphony Orch; Artur Rosenthal, Cond. “
Probably Israel Philharmonic , Istvan Kertesz, Cond.
LP Source: Aires 1613

8.  “To the Chief  Musician”, Metamorphoses for Orchestra
Robert Whitney, Cond.
Louisville Orchestra
LP Source:  LOU 601

9-11:  Symphony # 1
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Kenneth Alwyn, Cond.
LP Source”: CBS S 72629

12-13:  Intro, Cappriccio for Piano and Orchestra
Pnina Saltzman, pf.
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Carlo Maria Giulini, cond.
Dec 12, 1960

14: Rhapsody for Piano and Strings
Soloist unknown
Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra
Etlinger(?) Cond.

15-17:  Piano Concerto
Amiram Rigai, Piano
Haifa SO
Haifa Symphony Orchestra ; [Winston] Dan Vogel, conductor.

All tracks from the collection of Karl Miller
Sources are Radio broadcasts, LPs, or personal recordings.
None of these, to my knowledge, have been commercially released.

Volume 2:

18-21  Cello Concerto (1962)
Raphael Summer, Cello
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Gary Bertini, Conductor
Radio Broadcast, Date Unknown

Note-- this is from the Karl Miller collection as well, and I've already posted it to several forums.   I figured I would re-include it in this release so that  we would have a better collection.

The remainder of these audio tracks come from non-commercial postings of performances on Youtube.  I've offered what information I can.

22: Three Songs without Words
Flutist Jonathan Brahms and harpist Cynthia Price, the Da Camera Duo, perform Three Songs Without Words by Paul Ben-Haim (1897 - 1984) in a live concert at the MIT Chapel on January 13, 1983.

1. Arioso - Molto moderato
2. Ballade - Allegretto
3. Sephardic Song - Largamente, rubato e molto appasionato

Posted on YouTube by Jonathon Brahms

23  Improvisation and Dance:
Diego Gabete Violín
Yunhee Choi Piano
St Gabriel's, Pimlico
london, UK
Posted on Youtube by kikalis100

24. Fanfare for Israel
Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Amos Talmon
May 2008
Posted on Youtube by: Amos

25.  Music for  Cello 3

Paul Ben-Haim, MUSIC FOR CELLO No. 3

Live recorded in concert, 19.02.2011



26: 3 songs without Words
Posted on Youtube  by Shali Boharon
Other details in Hebrew…

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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2015, 09:14:04 pm »

Music of Menachem Avidom

Menahem Avidom presenting Albert Einstein a copy of his symphony no. 2 "David" during a tour of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to the U.S.A, around 1949

From the collection of Karl Miller

Symphony No. 1: "A Folk Symphony"
Kol Israel Orchestra
Heinz Freudenthal, Conductor
Radio broadcast, date unknown

Symphony No. 5: "The Song of Eilat"
(Signal loss at beginning)
Soprano, unidentified
Kol Israel Orchestra
George Singer, Conductor
[Broadcast 25 February 1962]

Bio from National Library of Israel:
Menahem Avidom
 Menahem Avidom, born 6 January 1908 (as Mahler-Kalkstein) in Stanislav, Russia (then Hungary), died 5 August 1995 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Israeli Composer. His mother was a cousin of Gustav Mahler. He studied at the American University in Beirut and at the Paris Conservatoire where his teachers included the composer Henri Rabaud. In 1925 Avidom immigrated to Palestine where he taught at the Music Teacher Training College in Tel Aviv and at the Tel Aviv Conservatory. Avidom was also a music critic, general secretary of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (1946-52), adviser on the arts to the Ministry of Tourism (1952-55), chair of the Israel Composers’ League (1958-71) and general director of ACUM, the Israeli Performing Rights Society (1955-80). Avidom composed orchestral, chamber and piano music, operas and songs. After writing in an impressionist style he turned towards atonal composition. While studying in Beirut and during a four-year stay in Egypt, however, he became deeply influenced by Mediterranean and Asian folk music and French culture. These influences found their expression in arrangements for the Yemenite singer Bracha Zefira (1939). In the early 1960s Avidom was Influenced by the international trends and turned to 12- tones technique.

Among his works:
· Concerto for Flute and string (1944)
· Symphny No. 1 Symphonie Populair (1945)
· Concertino for violin and piano (1949)
· Symphony No. 3 Mediterranean Sinfonietta (1952)
· The Opera Alexandra ha'khashmonait (Alexandra the Hasmonean) (1955–6)
· Enigma Woodwind Quintet, piano and percussion (1962)
· ArtHur ruBinStEin six inventions for piano, hommage to the pianist (1974)
· Symphony no.10 Sinfonia Brevis (1981)
Avidom won the Israel Prize (1961), Engel Prize (1947), The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Prize (1951) and ACUM Prize (1962).

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« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 12:54:54 pm »

I've just posted 6 works by different Israeli composers from Karl's collection.
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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2016, 02:46:48 am »

Music of Menahem Avidom

from the collection of Karl Miller

I've posted two of his symphonies earlier-- now, thanks to Karl, we have the full symphonic cycle.

Symphony No. 1 "Folk Symphony" (1946)
Kol Israel SO
Heinz Freudenthal, conductor

Symphony No. 2 "David" (1948)
Israel Broadcasting Orchestra
Joseph Singer, conductor

Symphony No. 3 "Mediterranean Sonfonietta"
Israel Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra
Eitan Globerzon, conductor

Symphony No. 4. (1955)
Israel Broadcasting Orchestra
Gary Bertini, conductor

Symphony No. 5. "The Song of Eliat" w/soprano (1957)
soprano unknown
Israel Radio SO
Joseph Singer, conductor

Symphony No. 6 (1960)
Israel Broadcasting Orchestra
Jean Martinon, conducter

Symphony No. 7 (1961)

Israel Radio Orchestra
Sergiu Comissiona, conductor

Symphony No. 8 "Festival Sonfonietta" (1966)
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Georges Pretre, conductor

Symphony No. 9. "Symphonie Variee for Chamber Orchestra" (1968)
Performers unknown.

Symphony No. 10. "Sinfonia Brevis" (1980)
Israel Broadcasting Orchestra
Israel Edelson, conductor

Flute Concerto (1944)
Guber(?), flute
Kol Israel Orchestra
Shalom Ronly-Riklis, conductor

Short Biography from

Menahem Avidom (Composer)

Born: January 6, 1908 - Stanislav, Galicia, then Austro-Hungarian Empire
Died: August 5, 1995 - Tel-Aviv, Israel

Menahem [Menachem] Avidom [Mahler-Kalkstein] was an Israeli composer of Russian birth. His mother was a cousin of Gustav Mahler; his adopted surname combines the word ‘Avi’ (‘father of’) with the initials of his children's names. He studied at the American University in Beirut and at the Paris Conservatoire, where his teachers included Rabaud. In 1925 he emigrated to Palestine, where, in addition to his work as a composer, he served as a music critic, secretary general of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (1945-1952), chair of the Israel Composers' League (1958-1971) and general director of ACUM, the Israeli performing rights society (1955-1980).

In the late 1930s, after writing early works in an Impressionist style, Menahem Avidom turned towards atonal composition. While studying in Beirut and during a four-year stay in Egypt, however, he became deeply influenced by Mediterranean and Asian folk music and French culture. These influences found their expression in arrangements for the Yemenite singer Bracha Zefira (1939), the Flute Concerto (1944), Symphony No. 1 ‘Amamit’ (‘Folk Symphony’, 1945), Symphony No. 3 ‘Yam tichonit’ (‘Mediterranean Sinfonietta’, 1951) and other works. A use of modal scales, folk-like dance rhythms, oriental melodic motifs and orchestration influenced by Ravel and Les Six are characteristic of these works. Symphony No. 2 ‘David’ (1948-1949) depicts the life of the biblical king, while Symphony No. 5 ‘Shirat Eilat’ (‘The Song of Eilat’, 1956-1957) is a combination of a conventional symphonic form and a song cycle.

In the early 1960’s Israeli music began to move away from regionalism towards international styles and techniques. Influenced by these trends, Avidom turned to 12-note procedures. Enigma (1962), a work that imitates electronic effects, displays his interest in sound patterns: the second movement is an inversion of the first, the fourth an inversion of the third and the fifth a recapitulation of the first. The Symphony No. 7 (1960-1961) features a four-note series (A-B-D-mi) that refers to his name. In 1974, for the first Rubinstein Piano Master Competition, Avidom wrote ArtHur ruBinStEin, six inventions based on the series of notes represented in Rubinstein's name (A-H-B-S-E). The last symphony, No. 10 (1981), combines 12-note procedures and oriental melodies. Bachiana (1984-1985), based on B-A-C-H, was written for J.S. Bach's 300th anniversary.

Avidom's first major opera B'khol dor va'dor (‘In Every Generation’, 1953-1954) describes events in Jewish history. Ha'preida (‘The Farewell’, 1971) creates a strangely unreal atmosphere and a convincing expression of complex psychological situations. His historical opera Alexandra ha'khashmonait (‘Alexandra the Hasmonean’, 1955-1956) won the Israel State Prize in 1961.

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Toby Esterhase
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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2016, 10:52:56 pm »

Rimski Korsakov told "Jewish music is still awaiting its Glinka".Now and after more 60 years from the Birth of Israeli State who is the more nationalist or folk influenced israeli composer?
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« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2016, 08:39:45 am »

Jowcol, many thanks for that!
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« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2016, 02:08:48 am »

Arthur Gelbrun: Concerto-Fantasia for Flute, Harp, and String Orchestra(1963)

From the collection of Karl Miller

Brigitte Buxdorf, flute; Catherine Eisenhoffer, harp
Orchestra de la Suisse Romande
Jean-Marie Auberson, conductor

From Jim Moskowitz's Unknown Composers pages.

Another composer of this time was Arthur Gelbrun, born in Warsaw 11 July 1913. He studied at the Warsaw State Conservatory and with Alfred Casella at the Academia Chigiana in Siena. He then returned to Warsaw and played violin and viola with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra. He went to Switzerland with Radio Lausanne and then became conductor of the Zurich Tonhalle Orchester until 1948. He emigrated to Israel in 1948. Performed as guest conductor of the Israel RSO, the Kibbutz youth choir and the Inter-Kibbutz orchestra. He is now professor of composition and conducting at the Academy of Music, Univ. Of Tel Aviv. His music is primarily romantic with modest use of serialism and new techniques. I personally know very little about his music and have only one composition in my collection; Lamento (from Five Pieces) for Cello Solo, performed by Michael Haran, cello with Alexander Volkov, piano and Ayal Rafiah, percussion on Music from Israel Disc No. MII-CD-7.

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