i find myself preferring C-sharp major to D-flat major—it feels like a quite different key, & a brighter one (entirely a different "colour"—d-flat major is a pale blue like the edges of the sky, c-sharp major is a more brilliant and intense shade of gold than what i think of as the "golden key" b-flat major)
indeed. i first became aware of synaesthesia when talking to someone else with the same ability, who described b-flat as red. my immediate reaction was "what? it's not that colour at all! maybe you're thinking of A major" >.>
A propos of that q, my brother (I mention him by way of not wanting to appear to have thought of this myself!) wrote his PhD on the enharmonic relationships in BORIS GODUNOV. Musorgsky repeatedly 'respells' music in the score in enharmonic equivalents when the mood changes from negative to positive, or vice-versa. Clearly he must have done this for some reason...