Level 2
Times thanked: 1
Posts: 23
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2013, 03:38:00 am » |
Received and played all today, you're a very generous person, thank you. Performances and sound were excellent.
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2013, 08:28:08 am » |
Mr. Dundonnell claims to be a technophobe - I make no such claims to IT 'excellence' ; thus this may be a very foolish idea ! If Mr. Tapiola is willing to put this lovely music onto a CD-R, could it not find its way to a member with uploading skills, who could transfer it to Mediafire ? Apologies if that's downright stupid, impracticable etc., etc..
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2013, 10:39:27 am » |
All the works are on regular CD-Rs sent to me from YLE. . . . I see that YLE is the Finnish Radio. Please would the member confirm that these are not commercial CDs? - Sorry but it is not clear from the above quotation. The original conditions governing downloads here, taken over almost verbatim from the unsung composers forum, specify that: "A recorded performance must not have appeared on CD, even on a CD which is now unavailable or which was published by a now-defunct company. Recordings which are currently available as commercial downloads, even if they did not appear on CD, will also not be approved.
"In short, no current commercial recording, commercial download, broadcast of a commercial recording, or of a performance that was once available on CD, will be approved."
Private arrangements members wish to make between themselves are of course their own business, but should on no account be discussed on this forum. Thank you for your understanding!
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2013, 12:32:46 pm » |
These recordings are from YLE broadcasts but were sent to me by a good friend who worked at YLE. He is now retired. They are not "commercial" recordings for retail sale. Seems there are many radio broadcasts on this site. Please correct me gently if I've transgressed.
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2013, 01:41:15 pm » |
. . . if I've transgressed. No, that's fine. Thanks for the explanation.
Jolly Roger
These recordings are from YLE broadcasts but were sent to me by a good friend who worked at YLE. He is now retired. They are not "commercial" recordings for retail sale. Seems there are many radio broadcasts on this site. Please correct me gently if I've transgressed.
Is any performer info available for Salmenhaara's posted symphonies, or have I missed that?
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2018, 11:56:16 pm » |
These recordings are from YLE broadcasts but were sent to me by a good friend who worked at YLE. He is now retired. They are not "commercial" recordings for retail sale. Seems there are many radio broadcasts on this site. Please correct me gently if I've transgressed.
Is any performer info available for Salmenhaara's posted symphonies, or have I missed that? I note with some dismay that member Tapiola has not been active in this forum for almost two years, and I'm therefore reluctant to attempt a direct contact, which would be my normal way of handling a request of this nature. So instead I will ask the membership at large, specifically the Salmenhaarophiles among us: was anybody able to track down any of the performer details on these pieces since Jolly Roger first posed the question? Many thanks! Brian
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2018, 04:50:25 pm » |
This highlights one of the less attractive aspects of the world of online forums. We join, we post, usually under some assumed name, we get an online acquaintance with fellow posters. Over time we get some idea of their tastes and some (limited) insight into them as people. We even come to regard some of them as "friends".
.......and then, sometimes, they just disappear without warning or notice or explanation. If we have corresponded privately with them it has been through pms on the site so we have no alternative means of contacting them. It is disconcerting and rather sad when this happens.
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2018, 06:38:21 pm » |
These recordings are from YLE broadcasts but were sent to me by a good friend who worked at YLE. He is now retired. They are not "commercial" recordings for retail sale. Seems there are many radio broadcasts on this site. Please correct me gently if I've transgressed.
Is any performer info available for Salmenhaara's posted symphonies, or have I missed that? I note with some dismay that member Tapiola has not been active in this forum for almost two years, and I'm therefore reluctant to attempt a direct contact, which would be my normal way of handling a request of this nature. Just in passing, I don't get your reluctance. He would either respond or he wouldn't. No offense given by asking, nor (I am sure) taken if he ignored you. I've wondered what became of Brian (Tapiola) myself from time to time, but have hesitated to send him a PM (hehe).