I have only just realised that you have posted a link to the actual Dutton recording of the Damase symphony, Kyle.
Please remove it!! We went through the mill with this issue a few months back (as you may not realise!). The Dutton recording can be purchased.....and should be purchased. We cannot prevent those interested in sampling it from going to You Tube but we do not post such entire recordings on here.
My apologies Colin! I did not realize that was a policy here. I will remove it right away and replace it with an Amazon link instead. :)
Your co-operation is warmly appreciated! If you take a look at the You Tube performances section of the forum you will find the threads and posts which relate to this issue and the lengthy discussion we had here at the time. I very much doubt that anyone will wish to re-open that discussion (I certainly don't!) but what finally emerged was a "firm line" (yes, I think we could call it a "policy") to which we have adhered since then.
Don't apologise, Kyle. There is no need. In some ways you can count yourself fortunate to have been "on holiday" (from the forum, I mean obviously :)) and did not have to live through the difficult times we had ::)