Thank you for this, Colin :)! I presume that you are only including catalogues of mine that you choose to put on Am I correct ????
You have compiled catalogues for a substantial number of composers now, Kyle. I do not know how many-only you will have an idea of the total number. Many were of composers of whom I had never heard and would not have attempted to catalogue left to my own devices ;D
Some, on the other hand, were of composers to whom I would have got around (probably) eventually. (One, recent, example, was Grechaninov). choice was either (a) to ignore your catalogue and do all the research again from scratch-which would, in all certainty, have ended up with the same results as you got or (b) to trust your self-evident hard work and reliability and "adopt" your catalogue. Research-obviously-involves searching out the work which, in some cases, others have done before and the results of which can be accessed. I view your research as a resource available to others.
My decision therefore was to go for option (b). I do acknowledge that debt. I have done so here publicly and in the Introduction to the catalogues on my website.
Please DO let me know if I can or need to be more explicit in acknowledging your extremely valuable work!