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16  ARCHIVED TOPICS / The listener / Re: Microtonality and Kyle Gann on: November 18, 2016, 05:38:57 pm

3 of the (equal-tempered) Microtonal Etudes are on youtube

13 notes (to the octave)

16 notes

18 notes
17  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Double Dutch on: November 18, 2016, 05:20:03 pm
Symphonies 2&3 have been commercially recorded and in my judgment are accomplished
and communicative works of enduring worth.  The rest of the Symphonies were uploaded
somewhere (here or UC) in poor sound which I found with nowhere near the command of Nos. 2&3
and thus understandable they've been commercially ignored. 

My favourite is the 4th Symphony - which is on YouTube

I'd also recommend the 2nd Orchestral Scherzo op 38 which can be found at

I realise I posted the same recommendations a couple of months back: apologies for the repetition.
18  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Cd concertos of bagpipe and Orchestra on: October 12, 2016, 06:00:06 am
Many thanks for the interesting post! I'm reminded of the 3rd movement of Berlioz's Harold in Italy, which, I assume, refers to a similar bunch of chaps?
19  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Sviridov "Time Forward"' The Worst Piece of Music Ever?? on: October 02, 2016, 01:18:58 am
I have to admit that I immediately made a version for a student steel band group after discovering it a few years back. The only problem was the lack of a proper ending - which I felt necessary to supply.
20  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Alemdar Karamanov (1934-2007, Crimea) - Symphony No. ? on: September 30, 2016, 08:41:47 am
I see much more on my iPhone
21  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Alemdar Karamanov (1934-2007, Crimea) - Symphony No. ? on: September 29, 2016, 09:32:54 pm
It's not immediately obvious how these are to be downloaded . . . ah - it's my computer . . .
22  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Double Dutch on: September 09, 2016, 12:46:26 am
The 4th symphony is magnificent for this listener, as is the 2nd orchestral Scherzo.
23  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Ladislav Kupkovič on: August 25, 2016, 12:20:07 pm
That's sad - I hadn't realised he'd died.

Here's a note on Kupkovic by Gavin Bryars

Here's Gidon Kremer playing his Souvenir
24  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Encores on: May 08, 2016, 07:49:09 pm
But that's only the overture. With works of more major length the point may be valid.

Actually I'm put off going to concerts with too much well-known repertoire to sit through before the piece(s) I really want to hear, but that's just me I guess.

Paul Dessau's piano piece Guernica was an encore I heard a few months ago. By no means a familiar piece. I disliked it, but was glad of the opportunity to hear it.

25  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: A party game for the Christmas season on: April 27, 2016, 12:34:12 pm
it's a popular subject

One of my favourites is this (unknown composer) from a 1920s German orchestra
26  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Your Discovery of the Year on: April 12, 2016, 08:50:52 pm

And Ladies?
27  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Alemdar Karamanov on: April 02, 2016, 12:44:16 am
Very many thanks! I look forward to gorging myself tomorrow.
28  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: British Piano Concertos, 1919- on: March 12, 2016, 12:26:34 pm
1963:  John White

In five movements, accompanied by a large chamber group of 19 players. The performance (18/10/63) attracted one of the composer’s favourite reviews:-
"Given a sound thrashing by Nadia Boulanger, Litolff might have written this work – and similarly chastened, Mr White would have done better. But for an RCM professor to publicise this pot-pourri of feeble tunes, fidgety harmonies and rambling, purposeless key-changes, even if unprecedented, will never do.”
(Edmund Tracey – Times Higher Educational Supplement, 25/10/63)


29  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: The Great American Piano Sonata on: February 29, 2016, 06:56:51 pm
suppose you were a US concert pianist, and you wanted to specialise in American piano music, what would you play?

Here's one such person - and mighty good she is too!

Off at a tangent, this has revealed that she has recorded the Artur Schnabel violin sonata with Paul Zukofsky
Schnabel's a pretty interesting composer, by the way.
30  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: British Composers by year of birth, 1860-1939 on: February 28, 2016, 10:56:42 pm
Alistair - I think . . . give it a rest!
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