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1  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Havergal Brian's "Faust" on: April 10, 2020, 12:34:02 pm
I would suggest sending an email to the Brian Society, as I've never seen the materials, so can't comment.
2  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Havergal Brian's "Faust" on: April 09, 2020, 03:12:06 pm
Having been part of the team that edited and typeset the score from manuscript for this recording (and having heard the first edits), I can confirm that this is top-notch Brian.
3  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Russian and Soviet Music on: December 23, 2018, 08:11:49 am
For me, the strongest of the sonatas are 1-4, 6-10, 12, especially 2, 6, 7, 8 & 12.
Bunin's other recordings are all top-notch too. He also knew Alexandrov who wrote a concerto and solo pieces for Bunin. I think Golubev wrote for him too.
4  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Russian and Soviet Music on: December 22, 2018, 09:36:04 pm
Many thanks for these. Both Bunin and Ignat'eva were Feinberg's students, and I've heard them both play (the former is still playing a lot of Feinberg, into his 80s). I expect Polina was also one of his students. I have heard that M-A Hamelin recorded sonatas 1-6 last week, and there are rumours that there will be a series or festival dedicated to Feinberg, Medtner and Szymanowski in Helsinki perhaps next year.
5  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Jani Christou - his two symphonies on: September 30, 2018, 08:33:11 pm
I look forward to hearing these.The only pieces I know by Christou are much later and very modernist, even experimental. The idea that he started life as a quite conservative composer is fascinating. He had, after all, only a few years to make this transformation. There has certainly been interest in his later work quite recently, from conductor Ilan Volkov (always a ready source of ideas and foraging of interesting music) and others.
6  Assorted items / Concerts / Re: Russian Song and Piano music on: August 29, 2018, 01:07:48 pm
Congratulations - a very enterprising program!  Will Pushkin House be providing translations of the song texts?  ))

I think Betty will!
7  Assorted items / Concerts / Re: Svetlanov Festival on: August 29, 2018, 01:07:20 pm
At least with him it probably won't be *exactly* like all the others. But, yes, poor choice. They could have got him to do Medtner no.1 after all...
8  Assorted items / Concerts / Russian Song and Piano music on: August 29, 2018, 07:04:33 am
Forgotten Jewels of the Silver Age – Rachmaninoff and his Contemporaries
Забытыe жемчугы Серебряного века -- Рахманинов и его современники

Pushkin House, London
21 September

Betty Makharinsky, soprano
Jonathan Powell, piano

Rachmaninoff      Сон (Плещеев / Heine) op.8 no.5 – Sleep
         Сирень (Е. Бекетова) op.21 no.1 -- Lilacs
Taneyev      Рождение арфы (Irish trad.) op.26 no.1 – The Birth of the Harp
Medtner      Ангел (Пушкин) op.36 no.1 – The Angel
Glière         Звездочка (П.Я.) op.12 no.2 – The Star
Eiges, K.      Кто-то шепчет (Блок) op.26 no.1 – Someone’s whispering
         Белой ночью (Блок) op.26 no.2 – Through the White Night
Goldenweiser      Fantasia (Fet) op.5 no.16

Piano pieces:
Medtner      Skazka op.9 no.2 -- Tale
Blumenfeld      Rêve op.37 no.2 -- Dream
Eiges         Poème-Idylle op.19 no.1
Nikolayev      Gavotte op.16 no.2

Nikolayev       Три романса на стихи Лермонтова, op.17:
            1. Парус – The Ship
            2. Ты помнишь ли ... – Do you remember?
            3. Будь со мною ... – Be with me
         Два романса на словах Тютчева, op.4:
             1. Тихой ночью  2. Как хорошо ты, о море ночное!
            – In the silent night; How good you are, nocturnal sea!
         Притча о сеятеле и о семянах (А. Жемчужников) op.9 no.1
         – The Parable of the sower and the seeds
         Легенда о чаше (С. Фруг) op.9 no.2
         -- Legend about the cup


Rachmaninoff      Маргаритки (Северянин) op.38 no.3 -- Daisies
         Сон (Сологуб) op.38 no.5 – Sleep
Scriabin         Romance (A. Scriabin)
Cherepnin, N.      К музыке (Шелли - Бальмонт) op.21 no.1 – To Music
         Уноси мое сердце (Фет) op.27 no.2 – Lift up my heart
Krein, A.      В душе моей (Яффе) op.29 no1 – In my soul
Catoire         Милый друг (Сологуб) op.33 no.1 – Kind Friend
         Пора весенних гроз (Сологуб) op.33 no.5 – The time of spring storms

Piano pieces:
Scriabin         Feuille d’album w/o -- Albumleaf
Krein, G.      Prelude op.5 no.1
Sabaneyev      Prelude op.10 no.5
Conus, G.      Feuillet d’album op.13 no.2, Stimmungsbild op.19 no.2 – Voice-picture

Conus         Весна (Майков) op.5 no.4 -- Spring
         Я-б тебя поцеловала (Майков)    op.5 no.6 – I would have kissed you
         О, долго буду я (Фет) op.9 no.2 – Oh, I’ll be a long time
         Какое счастие (Фет) op.9 no.6 – What happiness
         О, Боже, как хорош прохладный ветер лета (А. Апухтин) op.12 no.2
         -- O, God, the cool breeze of summer is so good
         Голос издалека (А. Апухтин) op.12 no.5 – A voice from afar      
         Все спит кругом (Апухтин) op.14 no.1 – Everyone around is sleeping
         Какие-то носятся звуки (Фет) op.20 no.1 – Some sounds can be heard
         Я не знаю, не скажу я (Фет) op.20 no.2 – I don’t know, and I won’t say
         [Средь суеты мирского развлеченья] (А. Толстой) op.32 no.1
         [Грядой клубится белою] (А. Толстой) op.32 no.2
9  Assorted items / Concerts / Re: Svetlanov Festival on: August 29, 2018, 07:01:58 am
Berezovsky's going to be tired at the end of those *two* days! And Rene Koering's piece will stick out a bit (I knew him from when he was director of Radio France Musique -- also a good composer, but of the modern French variety, unsurprisingly).
10  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Golovanov as composer cd-set on: August 08, 2018, 07:03:15 am
About a decade or so I go I bought in Moscow a newly-published volume of some relatively interesting, slightly impressionist piano pieces from his early years.
11  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Upcoming cds of previously unrecorded music on: June 07, 2018, 09:40:53 pm
Soon there will be Georgiy Conus/Konyus: Piano Music, and Leonid Nikolayev: Piano Music, Cello Sonata (with Rohan de Saram) and songs (with Betty Makharinsky), both from Toccata.
12  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Obscure Soviet Symphonies... on: April 13, 2018, 08:10:24 pm
Thanks Neil, yes a bit on and off over the years.

The Largo CD has the Symphony, plus the big Piano Sonata (also written early 20s) dedicated to Heinrich Neuhaus, plus some songs and chamber stuff.

An ASV CD -- Songs of the Ghetto -- also has solo pf pieces, songs (some in Yiddish) sung by Lore Lixenberg, and quite a lot of chamber pieces including a quartet.

I think I'll do a Grigory Krein solo pf disc later this year. Will let you know. So nothing much orchestral, but within one's limits, as it were.
13  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Obscure Soviet Symphonies... on: April 13, 2018, 07:26:35 am
I remember the Steinberg 4th broadcast because I listened to it and taped it! It must have been in 1994 because at the time I was writing a dissertation on Russian music of that period. It was just before I went to Russia and spent several weeks in archives and libraries. It was part of a series which included A. Krein no.1 (Adrian (?) Leaper cond.), Popov Chamber Symphony and Lyatoshynsky no.1 As a result of this, the Krein was subsequently recorded by Brabbins and the Philarmonia and released by Largo, while Lyatoshynsky is well recorded.
14  MEMBERS' CORNER / Miscellany / Re: The Countries of the members of this forum: on: September 23, 2017, 07:10:37 am
Very south of Poland, we can see Slovakia from our window!
15  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Miloslav Kabeláč (1908-1979) - Complete Symphonies on: July 14, 2016, 08:08:54 pm
If I could just add my tuppenth's worth: my only encounter with Kabelac is with a set of piano preludes which, having played through them, I found to be really very interesting as they seem, among other things, to be taking some aspects of Janacek's miniatures onto a different level. So I am very curious to hear his symphonies.
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