The Art-Music, Literature and Linguistics Forum

MEMBERS' CORNER => Members' wish lists & requests => Topic started by: kyjo on September 05, 2012, 12:10:42 am

Title: Anything by Hekel Tavares (1896-1969)?
Post by: kyjo on September 05, 2012, 12:10:42 am
After hearing his magically beautiful, Rachmaninovian Piano Concerto In Brazilian Forms, I've really wanted to hear more by this Brazilian composer. I can't find that much information on him, but I do know that he wrote the following orchestral pieces:
-Violin Concerto in Brazilian Forms
-"Andre de Leao e o demonio de cabelo encarnado", symphonic poem ("Andre de Leon and the Red-Haired Demon")
-"Rapsodia nordestina" for piano and orchestra
-"Fantasia brasiliera" for piano and orchestra
I understand that he wrote a lot of popular songs, but it is serious pieces I am looking for ;D! So, does anyone have anything, besides the Piano Concerto in Brazilian Forms, by this intriguing and promising composer :)?

Title: Re: Anything by Hekel Tavares (1896-1969)?
Post by: mjkFendrich on September 05, 2012, 07:16:11 pm
... have a look at my post to UC (including the following remarks/discussion [semloh & Alan]),3621.msg39944.html#msg39944 (,3621.msg39944.html#msg39944)

Title: Re: Anything by Hekel Tavares (1896-1969)?
Post by: guest145 on September 06, 2012, 01:21:27 pm
I've just uploaded two works by Tavares to the Downloads folder, Brazilian Music file. Enjoy!

Title: Re: Anything by Hekel Tavares (1896-1969)?
Post by: kyjo on September 06, 2012, 09:05:43 pm
Thank you so much, Latvian :)!