The Art-Music, Literature and Linguistics Forum

ARCHIVED TOPICS => Contexts and settings => Topic started by: guest54 on April 04, 2012, 01:54:40 am

Title: Once heard never forgotten?
Post by: guest54 on April 04, 2012, 01:54:40 am
Is this true in their own case do Members find? The sort of thing I mean is, although I have not for many decades listened to a symphony of Mendelssohn (for instance), if I do happen to hear one, I find every familiar note has somehow been retained in my mind over that long period.

I suppose it is a little like learning a language.

Title: Re: Once heard never forgotten?
Post by: Neil McGowan on April 04, 2012, 10:59:35 am
I feel rather the same way about the Schubert Symphonies.  I listened to them when I was a student.  I haven't bothered with them again.  But I still recognise them if I happen upon them accidently on the radio, etc.