Title: Andre Mathieu (1929-1968): Piano Concertos 1 and 2? Post by: kyjo on November 26, 2012, 02:48:13 am Please feel free to skip over the first paragraph as it contains mostly obvious (as presented to such knowledgeable folk) information and opinions. My request is contained in the second paragraph:
The tragically short-lived Quebecois composer Andre Mathieu is one of my favorite unsungs-if you know who my favorite composer is, you can probably guess why ;D! The semi-revival of Mathieu's lushly Rachmaninovian music began with the 2007 Analekta CD with Entremont and Plasson performing his Piano Concerto no. 3 "Concerto de Quebec" and "Scenes de Ballet" for orchestra (for some reason, this release slipped under my radar when it was first released and is now OOP). A year later, pianist Alain Lefvere, George Hanson, and the Tuscon SO further contributed to the Mathieu revival by recording his magnificent (derivative, yes, I know ;D) Piano Concerto no. 4 in E minor as well as "Scenes de Ballet" and Four Songs for chorus and orchestra. This is one of my most treasured discs, despite the fact the the other two works rather pale in comparison to (maybe this is too strong a phrase) the epic concerto. Lefvere, to his eternal credit, has also recorded much else out of Mathieu's output, including the "Concerto de Quebec", chamber music, and solo piano music. So-my request ;D! I have wondered about Mathieu's first two piano concertos-do they exist, and if they do, are they extant ???? I have not found any reference to them ???. If they exist and are extant, I wonder if Lefvere has any plans to record them? I would really love to hear them! And are there any other orchestral works by him? For some odd reason, it is difficult to find information on Mathieu's unrecorded works (I assume that not all of his works are recorded) ::). Any information, especially a conformation that first and second PCs exist, would be greatly appreciated :). Very sorry for my obsessive ranting :-[! Title: Re: Andre Mathieu (1929-1968): Piano Concertos 1 and 2? Post by: kyjo on November 26, 2012, 03:11:12 am Hrmm...Perhaps this is the answer ???:
Mathieu wrote two Concertinos for piano and orchestra prior to the Piano Concertos 3 and 4. No. 2 has been recorded; no. 1, to my knowledge, has not. Perhaps these are, in effect, the Piano Concertos 1 and 2 ???? It all seems very strange! Ah well, composers are strange folk (Mathieu was an amazingly gifted child prodigy, after all) ;D! I'll do some more research and report back here if I find out any additional information. Of course, others are still welcome to offer their explanations for this strange situation :)! Title: Re: Andre Mathieu (1929-1968): Piano Concertos 1 and 2? Post by: Toby Esterhase on June 20, 2018, 11:32:32 pm https://www.ledevoir.com/culture/musique/530435/critique-concert-l-autre-andre-mathieu
Title: Re: Andre Mathieu (1929-1968): Piano Concertos 1 and 2? Post by: Toby Esterhase on January 11, 2019, 01:33:43 am https://www.ledevoir.com/culture/musique/529786/andre-mathieu-et-ses-nouveaux-romantiques
Title: Re: Andre Mathieu (1929-1968): Piano Concertos 1 and 2? Post by: Toby Esterhase on April 03, 2019, 01:02:14 am https://www.lecitoyenrouynlasarre.com/article/2019/03/29/deux-premieres-mondiales-pour-l-orchestre-symphonique-regional |