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Assorted items => Music_Books_H => Topic started by: Admin on July 01, 2023, 02:45:21 am

Title: A. Eaglefield Hull - A Great Russian Tone-Poet: Scriabin
Post by: Admin on July 01, 2023, 02:45:21 am
With 165 musical illustrations. 

Excerpt: Scriabin founded no new scale. He uses the Duodecuple scale, which is that now adopted by all modern writers: Strauss, Elgar, Debussy, Cyril Scott, Ravel and all the others. He discovered many new chords or combinations; but, what is more remarkable, he invented practically a new style of composition. He takes a certain new chord which suits the particular feelings he wants to express, and evolves the whole composition out of this one extended harmony, using it only on a very few roots, often two or three; sometimes even only one. Moreover, he adopts his series as a perfect concord, satisfying in itself.


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