Title: André Boucourechliev - Stravinsky Post by: Admin on May 24, 2023, 09:14:06 am His life and work - an English translation
Title: Re: André Boucourechliev - Stravinsky Post by: Admin on June 02, 2023, 11:19:25 am Excerpt: Serialism gains its definition from three fundamental criteria corresponding to the three main phases in its evolution: 1: as a system negating an earlier order regarded as obsolete (tonality), a system in which the positive rules and the formal proscriptions are aimed at excluding privilege and tonal reminiscence of any kind. 2: as the promulgation of a new general grammar based on total chromaticism (in the first place of pitch, and later of durations, intensities etc.) 3: as a new philosophy of music (and not a "philosophy of new music") based on concepts and working principles of discontinuity, relativity and plurality. |