The Art-Music, Literature and Linguistics Forum

Assorted items => Noteworthy => Topic started by: Admin on May 24, 2023, 09:02:40 am

Title: Gioseffo Zarlino - The Art of Counterpoint
Post by: Admin on May 24, 2023, 09:02:40 am
Part three of Le Istitutioni Harmoniche, 1558

Title: Re: Gioseffo Zarlino - The Art of Counterpoint
Post by: Admin on May 30, 2023, 12:17:41 pm
The common source of animistic and organic music is number and proportion, and the all-important number is 6, the senary number, or numero senario. The number 6 has the virtue of being the first perfect number, meaning that it is the sum of all the numbers of which it is a multiple. Many evidences are given of the power of this number. There are six planets in the sky. In the Philebus, Plato says hymns should not celebrate more than six generations. There are six species of movement: generation, corruption, increase, diminutions, alteration and change of location. According to Plato, there are six differences of position: up, down, ahead, behind, right, left. There are six types of logic. In music, the significance of the senario is that all the primary consonances can be expressed as superparticular ratios using only numbers from 1 to 6.