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Swedish Music

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Author Topic: Swedish Music  (Read 9024 times)
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« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2014, 05:24:39 pm »

Gunnar Bucht: Symphony No. 8

From the collection of Karl Miller

Symphony No. 8 ((1983)
Stockholm Philharmonic/Yuri Aronovitch
Possibly premeire?
Radio Broadcast.

Material from

Machine translation of Bucht's Commentary on Symphony 8:
Symphony No. 8 (1983)

World premiere: 13/9, 1984, the Stockholm Concert Hall. Starring: StockholmPhilharmonic under the direction of Yuri Ahronovitch. Concert replay 15/9 1984.

 More talent: 11/11/1987, the Stockholm Concert Hall. Participants:Stockholm Philharmonic conducted by Alexander Gibson. 17/11/1988

Malmö Concert Hall. Starring: Malmö Symphony Orchestra under the direction ofBrian Priestman. 2/4 in 1993, the Royal College of music in Stockholm.
Music School Orchestra, conducted by Michel Tabachnik as a tribute
at my resignation as President. Concert Replay 3/4 1993 in the artist, the Music Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Durata: 27 min

Comment: the work has four movements, of which the first two are played attacca.Satsföljden slow-Tempo is very fast-moderate — slow and
Symphony opening sets the tone for the future: the oboe stämmton spawn
on other instruments which collects in the brightest major. The entire first movement characterised by the interplay between different durtonaliteter like towards the end from sliding into each other.
In the second movement is clouded this game without having to completely disappear in the third movement
oförmedlar set against each other in layer composition, however, in a different way than in
Sinfonia concertante (see above). The fourth and final movement is dominated by two ideas:
a "creeping" movements in solo strings, one with a big "ihopsjunkande"
glissando in the entire string orchestra. These ideas at the same time, two very different flashes
minor tonality and eventually assume each other's moves, s.a.s. swapped. Symphony
ends with a recollection from the beginning of time.

Reception: the Symphony was received with great warmth and they talked about a new, more
lyrical tone in my music. Later, however, the critical views expressed in the
It pointed out that, in the process, indicating fugitive something you considered conflict
against the Symphonic idea. Myself, I work for one of my principal and
This is for several reasons: that indicating is, in my opinion, a force which
Symphonic thinking can be so much. Again, the actual musical language appeals to me
very not least because it shows the opportunities in totalkromatiken
What is my starting point. Finally: last movement I
dare the word – is a masterstroke in his basic pulse of the piece with
increasingly extended drama. In addition, occurred at the first performance it rare to
I'm at a moment was totally surprised by what I heard: "I really
heard and written this? "I asked myself. It was as though a gap in life
opened up and showed the possibility of another world. Such an experience is difficult
to restrain and manage but also hard to forget.

Gunnar Bucht was born in Stocksund (near Stockholm) in 1927. He studied musicology at Uppsala University (Licenciate of Philosophy, 1953) and composition with Karl-Birger Blomdahl between 1947 and 1951. Subsequent teachers included Carl Orff, Goffredo Petrassi and (perhaps the most important of all) Max Deutsch. Bucht made his début as a pianist in 1949 but later came to specialise exclusively in composition.

From 1963 he taught musicology, among other things, at Stockholm University. Professor of composition at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm from 1975 to 1985 and Director at the same institution from 1987 to 1993. Numerous administrative appointments: chairman of the concert organization Fylkingen 1956-59, active in the Swedish section and the International Presidium of the ISCM 1960-1972, chairman of the Society of Swedish Composers 1963-69, Swedish cultural attaché in Bonn 1970-73.

Elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 1964. The royal medal "Litteris et Artibus" 1987. At present living and working as composer and author on the island of Gotland and in Stockholm.

Bucht on Bucht:

Paraphrasing the French 18th-century philosopher, my own artistic motto could be read as 'Tradition, what do you want from me? Live up to me - if you can!' This means: my relationship to tradition is dialogical; tradition is seen as challenge, not as a pillow. This outlook is reflected in my double activities as a composer and musicologist. The historical and analytical perspectives are always present in my creative work. At the same time, when teaching music history and analysis the artistic dimension is always there, I hope. I teach not only facts but also experiences.

The tension between emotionality and intellectuality is reflected in the often dramatic character of my music. Theres is an affinity with Berlioz' "l'imprévu", the unexpected, as a formal principle. In my music, the architecture is nearly bursting from within and at the same time is being kept on a tight rein. Maliciously, my music could be characterized as a composition of intensely dramatic and poetic moments on one side and road-consuming sections on the other.

Orchestral works dominates my output, much of it of long duration. It satisfies my need for emotional expansion and narration. Since the 1970s, the titles reveal a lot about the contents. Reading them you could reformulate my artistic belief as follows: I believe in an absolute music permeated with extramusical ideas of the world, with echoes of history, with inner pictures and visions, with wordless drama.


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All download links I have posted are for works, that, to  my knowledge, have never been commercially released in digital form.  Should you find I've been in error, please notify myself or an Administrator.  Please IM me if I've made any errors that require attention, as I may not read replies.
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« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2014, 10:14:38 pm »


A friend asked me for a couple of recordings I recently made from the Swedish Radio.
I thought one or two of you would be interested as well.

Hans Eklund: Musik för Orkester (1960)ör_Orkester_(comp._1960).mp3
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra;
Manfred Honeck, conductor
I'm not the only one who loves this composers works!

Daniel Börtz: Pipor och Klockor (2002) [Recorder Concerto]
Per Gross, recorder
Göteborgs Symphony Orchestra
Susanna Mälkki, conductor
Not at all the recorder of, let's say, Bach; this is the "modern" recorder

Anders Nilsson:  Symfoni Nr. 2
The Royal Swedish Philharmony (Stockholm)
Petter Sundqvist, conductor
For me this is a powerful symphony!

Anders Nilsson:  Violin Concerto
Cecilia Zilliacus, violin
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Daniel Blendulf, conductor
Laci Boldeman: Sinfonietta  (1954)
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Berislav Klobucar, conducting
Very nice sinfonietta this, IMHO.
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« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2014, 09:42:52 pm »

Fom Swedish Radio 2:

Here are three more downloads I made from the Swedish Radio.

Britta Bystrom: Violakonsertöm_Britta_-_Violakonsrt__(Premierr).wav

An unusal start for a concerto. So keep listening. This was broadcast from the World Premiere of the piece.

Bent Sörensen:  Trumpet Concertoörensen-TrumpetCto.mp3

Göteborgs symfoniker.
Solist: Tine Thing Helseth, trumpet.
Dirigent Mario Venzago.

Jörgen Dafgård: Through Fire and Water (2009)ård_-_Through_Fire_and_Water_(for_orchestra)..wav

Malmö Symfoniorkester; Daniel Raiskin, conductor.

Jörgen Dafgård is born in 1964 in Göteborg.
The work is very colourful, with good use of wind instruments.

The world premiere of his Clarinet Concerto is here:

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« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2014, 04:31:50 pm »

Wilhelm Stenhammar  (1871-1927)

Symphony No.1 in F major  (1902-1903)

Royal Philharmonic, Stockholm
Andrew Manze, conductor
Martin Sturfalt, piano

Recent Swedish Radio Broadcast

I believe there is sill a different performance of this work on UC but it has never been posted here to my knowledge. JollyRoger sent the music file to me and asked me to upload it.
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« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2014, 09:23:39 pm »

Dag Wirén (1905-86)

Quartet for flute, oboe, clarinet and cello, Op. 31 (1956)

Börje Mårelius, flute
Torleif Lännerholm, oboe
Tore Westlund, clarinet
Gustav Gröndahl, cello

Recording of the premiere performance, 1 november 1956, Börssalen Stockholm.
I recorded this broadcast by Swedish Radio P2 in 2010.
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« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2015, 10:26:59 pm »

Benjamin Staern (b. 1978)

Godai, Concerto for Orchestra (2012-13)

Malmö Symphony Orchestra
Marc Soustrot, cond.

Swedish Radio P2 broadcast of a live concert 15th Mai 2014, Malmö Symphony Hall
(Broadcast 3rd March 2015),_konsert_för_orkester_(2013).mp3
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« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2018, 01:23:43 pm »

En vår gick jag världen -Roman in 16 Kapitels, for orch

The Big Bang - and After

Sinfonie gracieuse, où L'Apothéose de Berwald.

Performers are named in the files
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« Reply #37 on: June 24, 2019, 01:57:21 pm »

A re-upload of Dag Wiren's Ballet "The Wicked Queen"
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« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2019, 01:11:40 pm »

Re-upload of Lars-Erik Larsson Cello Concerto as requested: Guido Vecchi and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra/Stig Westerberg.
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« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2020, 07:35:36 pm »

In (a very belated) response to a request:

Karl-Birger Blomdahl (1916-1968)
Game for 8 (choreographic suite, 1962)
      Life's Silence
      The Lonely Speaker
      Demon --
      Immovability of Fear
      Memory's Waiting Room
      Movements in Infinity
   Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
   Ulf Bjorlin, conductor

from an Angel LP, never reissued on CD.
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« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2020, 01:51:09 am »

Wilhelm Stenhammar (1871-1927)
Piano Concerto No. 2 in D minor, Op. 23 (1904-07)
   Cristina Ortiz, piano
   Chicago Symphony Orchestra
   Erich Leinsdorf, conductor [live, Feb. 25, 1989]
        with outro

Two FLAC files in one RAR folder.

One of the most glorious late Romantic piano concertos, and Leinsdorf delivers a blazing, committed accompaniment to Ortiz's fine playing. I had no clue that Leinsdorf had ever conducted anything by Stenhammar until I received this recording, but he clearly has an affinity with this music!
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Jolly Roger
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« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2022, 08:15:49 am »

Blomdahl,Karl-Birger - Symfoniska danser (1939)
Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester, Dirigent: Leif Segerstam.
Konsert 1994, Berwaldhallen, Stockholm.
Sveirge Radio P2 Live Klassiskt 10 augusti 2011
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Jolly Roger
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« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2022, 08:40:40 am »

one zip file containing 4 mp3 files

Pergament,Moses - Cello Concerto (1955).
Lars Frykholm(cello) Conductor, Paul Magi,Uppsala Kammarorkester
lordag 27 december15:00: P2 Live klassiskt
reposted due to failed link in previous post

Pergament, Moses -  Piano Concerto op. 27(1952).
Jose Ribera(piano),Stockholm P O, Goran Alteus conducting
reposted due to failed link in previous post

Pergament,Moses - Almaquistiana Suite no 1(1936)
Czajkowski /Gavleborg SO

Pergament,Moses - Almaquistiana Suite no 2(1938)
Benstorp /Gavleborg SO
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