Level 2

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Posts: 80
(Reposts from UC) Vojtĕch Mojžis: Viničné Šumice - Symphonic Picture (1977)Prague Symphony Orchestra/Libor Pesek From Panton LP 81-0692 http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2ckc2u33rdxvwa2…most likely never released on CD.. Jan Hanus: Prague Nocturnes (1972-3)Prague Chamber Orchestra/without conductor 1. Misterioso 2. A capriccio 3. Amoroso 4. Feroce 5. Sereno …from Panton 110541 LP http://www.mediafire.com/?j44iahhb728tt7nPetr Eben: Hours of the Night (1975) concertante symphony for wind quintet and orchestra[/b] Czech Philharmonic/Neumann 1. Eight o’clock - Divertimento 2. Ten o’clock - Amoroso 3. Twelve o’clock - Corale 4. Three o’clock - Silenzio 5. Five o’clock - Mattutino …from Panton 8110 0037 LP http://www.mediafire.com/?5j94u5546i2o565Petr Eben: Prague Nocturne for Orchestra (1983) Homage to W. A. Mozart Czech Philharmonic/Sawallisch …from Panton 810827 LP http://www.mediafire.com/?aed7n4j142ghroyČestmír Gregor: Sinfonia Notturna di Praga (1976)Gottwald State Symphony Orchestra/Rostislav Hališka 1. Andante poco sostenuto 2. Allegro grazioso ben ritmico 3. Andante lirico con moto 4. Moderato ma non lento …from Panton 110670 LP http://www.mediafire.com/?dan391713tc995pVaclav Kaprál: Lullabies for middle-range voice with small orchestra on Slovak folk poetry texts (1932)Jana Stupárková - vocal Brno State Philharmonic Orchestra/Konvalinka …from Panton 81100003 LP http://www.mediafire.com/?uyeoaf4yk7j2atl...as far as I'm able to determine, none of these has been released on CD
Level 2

Times thanked: 12
Posts: 80
Jiri Valek: Symphony No. 13 “Gothic” 1. Magnifico 2. Maestoso 3. Molto agitato Prague Radio chorus/Maly Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra/Eduard Fischer http://www.mediafire.com/?32uuazw0so0mwyj…from Supraphon LP 11103399
Miloslav Kabeláč (Prague, 1908 to 1979): his passacaglia Mysterium času (The Mystery of Time), opus 31 (1957). This is a video of a recently broadcast public performance by the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Jakub Hrůša: Download in four parts: part one part two part three part fourFirst download all the four parts. After that, all you need to do is use winrar to open the first part; whereupon all four parts will be automatically joined together to form the one video file. Duration twenty-six minutes. The video helps tremendously in the appreciation of this imposing work by enabling the listener to follow the instrumental parts. (And the virtuoso performance of the timpanist in the second half is particularly memorable.) It is, I remember, a favourite work for several members. I don't yet have sufficient information about the significance of the title. Kabeláč also wrote a Mystery of Silence, which I have not heard.
Level 2

Times thanked: 5
Posts: 75
Zdenek Fibich (1850-1900) Moods, Impressions and Reminiscences (orchestrated by Ridky) 1. Quasi presto e con fuoco from "Moods" 2. Maestoso from "Reminiscences" 3. Poco allegro from "Moods" 4. Andantino from "Reminiscences" 5. Moderato from "Reminiscences" Film Symphony Orchestra Jaroslav Ridky, Conductor Supraphon LPM 471 https://www.mediafire.com/?pcpn96931n6wxuyNote: This was originally posted at UC by fr8nks, but the link died, so with many thanks to him, here is a re-up of this delightful music. From a long out of print LP.
Frantisek Emmert: Symphony 7 From the collection of Karl Millerhttp://www.mediafire.com/download/mun89ftf4w4ec5d/Frantisek_Emmert.zipBrno State Philharmonic Orchestra Frantisek Kilek, conductorFrom the Czech Music Information Center:After completing his studies in Prague he entered the Janacek's Academy of Performing Arts in Brno, where he studied composition with Jan Kapr (1961 - 1965). He continued as a postgraduate under guidance of Miloslav Istvan from 1967 to 1970. Since then he has become a lecturer in instrumentation and music theory at the Janacek's Academy, from 1975 he has lectured also in composition (in 2006 he was appointed professor). His compositional output includes such large music forms as symphonies, cantatas and oratorios, and more intimate pieces (vocal and chamber music). His Christian faith is a great source of inspiration for most of his works.
All download links I have posted are for works, that, to my knowledge, have never been commercially released in digital form. Should you find I've been in error, please notify myself or an Administrator. Please IM me if I've made any errors that require attention, as I may not read replies.
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/bhu7ln3f8uw89/kapralova(2)Perhaps you will enjoy this all Vitezslava Kapralova concert that was on Vltava yesterday Filharmonie Brno. Záznam koncertu k 100. výročí narození brněnské skladatelky Vítězslavy Kaprálové ze dne 19. 2. 2015. Sólisté Pavel Wallinger (housle), Lukáš Daňhel (klarinet) a Lucie Czajkowská a Alice Rajnohová (klavír), řídí Olga Machoňová-Pavlů. Vítězslava Kaprálová: Suita rustica op. 19 (16 min). - Partita pro klavír a smyčcový orchestr op. 20 (20 min). - Concertino pro housle, klarinet a orchestr op. 21 (14 min). - Koncert pro klavír a orchestr d moll op. 7 (23 min). - Vojenská symfonieta op. 11 (16 min). (Brno) (120 min)