« on: November 20, 2017, 06:57:33 pm » |
some information from the Discogs website... didn't know this. thought I would pass this on.
Апрелевский Завод (Aprelevskii Zavod) was the USSR's largest state label. Its production plant was based in the Aprelevka, Moscow region. When the Russian Empire became the Soviet Union, Метрополь Рекордъ was nationalized and named "Апрелевская фабрика РАОГ" in October 1917, then "Завод памяти 1905 года" in autumn 1925. Production was stopped from November-December 1918 to 31 October 1919 and from the end of 1921 to June 1925. In 1933 the plant became part of Грампласттрест, and a new matrix numeration was began. During the Second World War the plant paused manufacturing on 30 October 1941 and continued in October 1942. In 1964 the plant became a part of Мелодия.
Label name variations: Апрелевская фабрика РАОГ Апрелевский завод грампластинок Московский завод памяти 1905 года Мособлсовнархоз РСФСР Апрелевский Завод Грампластинок Завод памяти 1905 года
Among non-Russian speaking collectors the label is often referred to as "Torch" due to the logo.
Note: do not use as pressing plant for releases of label Мелодия. Use Апрелевский Завод Грампластинок instead.
Cat. numbers in 1941-1945:
1941........10723 - 11056 1942...........114 - 192 1943...........252 - 500 (11500) - 11830 1944........11831 - 12407 1945........12408 - 13361 Records had permitting number's symbol 'К' only in 1941.
Typical note you can usually find on center labels: МИНИСТЕРСТВО КУЛЬТУРЫ СССР [translation: Ministry of Culture of USSR]