Might I perhaps point out that a complete recording of the opening segment of my Tolkien cycle 'epic scenes from The Silmarillion' is scheduled for release early next year. The 2-CD release of Fëanor will join earlier releases over the past three years of Beren and Lúthien, The Children of Húrin and The Fall of Gondolin to complete the cycle as originally written in the period 1981-96 - which is certainly the largest-scale work of classical music written in Wales in the twentieth century (some nine hours). I have recently completed composition of a final segment, The War of Wrath, which brings Tolkien's legends of the First Age to a conclusion and is to be recorded next year.
This cycle is one of the very few works for which permission has been given by the estate for the actual use of Tolkien's own words in the context of a musical setting. The existing releases have been favourably reviewed on Music Web International and in the Tolkien Music List (
The Prima Facie recordings were made with singers from Welsh National Opera and a sampled (not synthesised) orchestra and are available from all retailers. Signed copies and scores are also available from Volante Opera (
https://www.volanteopera.wales/shop) where much further information is given.