my email note from Adriano regarding the unrecorded symphonies of Vasili Zolotarev :
Thanks Mr. Hibbard
It may be an interesting project – as many others which I have pending – but who is going to sponsor this? As you may know, today it has become impossible to make recordings without full sponsorship – or a joint venture with a solid broadcast station. My Brun project costed over 400’000 US$, and it was sponsored by the composer’s son, otherwise nobody would have dared to invest into such a composer.
I’ve just done a new recording with works by Emile Jaques-Dalcroze: this too was fully paid by the Dalcroze Institute.
The cpo label may be more interested and capable for such a project. They make good sales enabling to invest into other project – but also not as crazily anymore as in the past.
You have no idea what else I still would like to record! Sometimes this frustration causes me sleepless nights…
Best rewards
Sad that its now to the point where major sponsers are required for Unsung Composers!!