A modern example - sort of . . .
Opening of the Inspector Montalbano theme.
Not its classical usage, of course.
No, but originating in / deriving from it nonetheless, surely? - on the grounds of which it might still be said that the great big world continues to turn (
pace Nathaniel Davis Ayer [1887 – 1952] / Percival Davis aka F.[?] Clifford Grey [1887-1941]).
Also, for another example of the turn in 20th-century action, try the "Beedle dee-dee-dee-dee" figure in the song
Two Ladies from
Cabaret (John Harold Kander [1927- ] / Fred Ebb [1928-2004]) as musically victimised in the unpronounceable (if not quite unplayable) piano work
Cabaraphrase, described by its composer as less of an operatic transcription and more of an apoplectic transgression...