I would like to describe my own way of retrieving and listening to these broadcasts. There are of course many other ways of doing it, which members might wish to describe in replies to this thread.
Step 1a: One could start from our "Coming Broadcasts" section, where member Jolly Roger especially continues to provide a large number of exciting links.
Step 1b: One could display to-day's schedule by starting at
http://sverigesradio.se/p2 and clicking on "
Tablå P2 Musik." Then click on one of the following programmes in the schedule:
"Klassisk förmiddag" OR
"P2 Live" OR
"P2 Live Opera" OR
"Musik mot midnatt".
After clicking on any one of these, one will see details of to-day's programme and (scrolling down) a list of all the archived programmes for the past six weeks or so. Click on
"VISA TIDIGARE AVSNITT" at the bottom of the page to go further back into the past, one screen-full at a time.
To see the complete programme listing for each archived day click on
"Läs mer" which means "Read more."
Three useful words perhaps are "igår" which means "yesterday," "idag" which means "to-day," and "imorgon" which means "to-morrow."
Step 2: Having found a programme that interests you, right click on the blue patch marked
"LYSSNA" and select "Open link in new tab."
Step 3: Right click on the black area at the top of the page, and select "View page source."
Step 4: Half way down the page source look for a line containing the word "stream", for example:
<meta name="twitter:player:stream" content="http://sverigesradio.se/topsy/ljudfil/4870204" />Step 5: The address inside the quotation marks is the one to use, in this case:
http://sverigesradio.se/topsy/ljudfil/4870204The seven-digit number at the end differs for each programme. Copy that address (by highlighting it and pressing control-c).
Step 6: Open yet another new tab, and paste that address into the address bar. It will be automatically redirected, and the address bar will change to the address of the actual music file, which in this example is:
http://lyssnaigen.sr.se/Autorec/ET2W/P2/Klassisk_formiddag/2014/02/SRP2_2014-02-27_100300_10560_a96.m4a["Lyssna igen" means "listen again".]
Also, the screen will go dark, and a small player will appear in the centre. You can pause that player, because we don't use it.
Step 7: Copy the m4a link which appeared in the address bar at step 6, and use it to retrieve the m4a music file with the "downloader" of your choice. Personally I use simply:
curl -o
but there are many other ways and other download managers and other music players.
Note: a year or two ago it was possible to download faster from Swedish Radio, because the streams were "resumable" and one could thus download four parts simultaneously, and patch the four parts together afterwards. Now alas they have changed their system, and one is obliged to wait patiently while the single stream arrives. A two-hour broadcast can be downloaded in approximately one hour. On the other hand, a year or two ago they would split their broadcasts into separate sixty-minute sections. Now, that no longer happens, and so what one retrieves is a single file, no matter how long the concert.]
Revision: a two-hour broadcast can be downloaded in just ten minutes.