Talking of links to Coleridge-Taylor! Can anyone here supply me with a "link" to the Malcolm Williamson files here?!! I,recently,enjoyed listening to his opera Our Man in Havana (which really does deserve a commercial cd release! Come on Chandos! ;D) and I acquired Volume 2 of Chandos orchestral works series. Incidentally,will we ever get a Volume 3? I can understand Chandos dumping Rufinatscha,but Malcolm Williamson strikes me as an intriguing figure,who deserves a reappraisal and forgiveness,thereby,for his past failings! (Heck! Nobody's perfect!)
I certainly can, and I will send you the link by PM. Meanwhile,
do get the two-disc Hyperion set of the Piano Concertos - they are great!
Thanks very much for the link,Albion! :) I downloaded...........everythi
ng! ;D I will certainly look out for the Hyperion set at an affordable price! A couple of months ago Hyperion had the set on offer (a tenner + p&p) in their bargain bin (or whatever they call it?). I could have kicked myself for not buying it then! The prices on ebay & amazon at the moment are more frightening than Dracula,the werewolf,the mummy,Boris Karloff,Norman Bates,Ed gein,crossroads,Max Bygraves and the human caterpillar (that's enough scary comparison's,ed!) combined! :o