Robert Schumann: Carnaval,Kreisleriana Mitsuko Uchida (piano) PhilipsBack to the aknowledged greats! There's not much I can say about this music that hasn't been expressed far more eloquently than other's umpteen times before! Least to say this make's very enjoyable and satisfying listening. Schumann was one of those tortured geniuses,beloved of the media. Did Hollywood ever make a movie about him? I'll have to find out? Although,I'm not sure I'll want to watch it! Perhaps,Merle Oberon as Clara Schumann?! Tortured geniuses are obviously intriguing! They certainly intrigue me! Although,I'm not sure severing part of my ear lobe and posting it to the nearest (this portion of the text,censored!) would enhace my painting & writing career?! And I don't like blood! :o
Except the eight pints circulating inside my body right at this very moment! Like H....H...Hancock,I need that,thankyou! ;D
Ahem! ::) ;D I have the Deutsche Grammophon boxed set of Kempff playing Schumann in the pile,next to the mini hi-fi,and I will reach that in due course! :)
Yes, a superb disc! There are currently approximately 8 pints of 9% Karpakie circulating around my body (I lost count after a Draeseke-fest, which happily passed-by largely comatose)...
Nice to hear from you again! :) Karpakie?! All my years of pubbing and I had to look that one up! I wish I'd known! I could have stocked up for the Jubilee bank holiday! Not that I'm a royalist,but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth (an excuse to buy booze!). I remember asking my dad,when I first started going to pubs,what to drink? He suggested best bitter! I spent the next forty odd years drinking the stuff (including ALLOT of pretty foul tasting & VERY strong real ale only to find out years later that he ALWAYS drank lager! :o :( On asking why he told me drink bitter,I was told that it was just what most (Welsh) blokes drank! Actually,I quite like a drop of real ale;just not some of the stuff they serve in Welsh pubs!!
Be careful how much you drink if you're listening to Rufinatscha! Some of them are so long,you might not wake up!! :o
Yes,the Uchida cd is excellent! The Schumannothon continuing with this! Cd 1,playing at present! (5:07 pm BST)