Liszt: Années De Pèlerinage Lazar Berman (piano) Deutsche Grammophon 3 cd's

I love Liszt & I love all these character's from the romantic era of the 19th century! Such a contrast to the drab,homogenised culture we live in now! Albeit,I wouldn't be posting here! I'd be sat rownd fire wi' t'other poor folk i' work hoose oop top o' hill! (Although,it's currently burnt down! So better bring waterproofs & an umbrella!) Unable to upload a 'write protected' file,I uploaded a photo of my own set,with the nice artwork on the front! (Taken with a camcorder! No! I haven't got a smart phone! ::)
I received the two Hyperion cd's of Anton Rubinstein's Piano Sonatas in the post today,performed by Leslie Howard (One heavily bronzed! :o ::)). It will be interesting to compare (hear) the pianistic inspiration of these two formidable keyboard wizards! I think Liszt will win;but Rubinstein's effort's in composition should be one of the following! 1) Interesting! 2) Intriguing! 3) Enjoyable 4) Better than you might expect! 5) Very good! 6) Excellent! 7) In-c-c-c-credible! ) 8) Cr*p! :( Hopefully,1,3 & 7?! :)