Well,this is it! I remember some lady telling me,when I was young,"You don't get something for nothing!" "Old battle axe! How materialistic!" I thought. But,as fearsome as she was,looking back on it. She was right! All the great musicians,composers,writers,artists had to work hard to get where they did! Or,at least,achieve what they did! (Even if the world ended up not wanting to know!) What makes it,particularly difficult,is that,unlike allot of other kinds of work,it involves a degree of self discipline! Which is the hardest part of it,in some ways! But,if I'd gritted my teeth & gone to those 'boring' piano lessons & practised I could have been a musician? Maybe not up there with the greats! (Or even Charlie Kunz?!! ;D) Maybe,my mind was on something else? (Girls?!! ::) ;D)