As members will perhaps appreciate this transcription (copying and pasting!) has involved a little effort.
Sorry, but you are certainly not an administrator of this forum. As you well know, you were dismissed on September 28th because of your threats to delete other people's posts. Your unsuitability as an administrative assistant for me became clear at that point.
You are now using a stolen password, and have no authority.
Nor are you any longer even a member of this forum. You were expelled as a member on the 9th of October because you were sitting on the stolen passsword and childishly refusing to hand it over to the forum owner.
Since Baziron and I started this forum in 2009 our motto has been "freedom and delight". There is no place for deleters here. Since the year dot deleters on the internet have always been despised and abhorred.
You have tried to hide the true facts about this by removing posts and even by removing the forum owner's account. Such childish actions have just wrecked our forum (and have also caused the loss of many of my friends' private email addresesses). But stealing the password does not make the forum yours!
We at this forum have never had a policy of protecting the activities of record companies, and to say that we have is a downright lie.
I want to know 1) how you obtained a pirate password for this forum, and 2) why you are sitting on it and refusing to reveal it.
In 2011, when I made space available here for people affected by a change of policy at the Unsung Composers, the owners of that forum gave me several serious warnings about you and your behaviour. But clearly I was too trusing at that time, and decided to give you a chance.
As soon as this affair is cleared up I intend to start three new boards: one for string quartets, another for piano quintets, and a third devoted to other chamber music. People who want to discuss record companies and their doings will have to start separate threads.