« on: October 16, 2012, 05:03:03 am » |
Back in February I posted a catalogue of the orchestral music of the British composer Peter Racine Fricker on the "Unsung Composers" forum. Little did I imagine that eight months later I would have compiled 601 of such catalogues. Half are still archived on that other forum but All are now stored and are available to those who might find them useful as a reference tool at composers.gulabin.com The more recent ones are also posted on this forum. When I reached 300 I stated that I would be taking a rest. I didn't ;D It now seems an appropriate time to call a halt. I have given most of every day for these 8 months to this task. I hope that I can contribute now in other ways to discussion here and elsewhere. I may very well-from time to time-add further catalogues if a composer particularly attracts my attention but I am leaving the field open to kyjo to continue to add his fine work on composers mostly unknown to me. I have used many sources of information to assemble these catalogues, including the invaluable national Music Information Centres of several countries. I have also "borrowed" a few catalogues originally posted by both Albion and kyjo. In the Introduction to the list on composers.gulabin.com I shall give due and proper credit to all of these sources. For the last time, I apologise to those irked by my exclusive concentration on orchestral music. The field is wide open for those who might wish to add the chamber/instrumental music of any or all of these composers :) I would like to thank all those who have clearly gone through my catalogues with great care and pointed out errors or suggested additions, particularly to the discographical information provided. Obviously, I hope that sharing these catalogues will be of use now and in the future and I thank all who have been in any way complimentary about my work :) It has been enormous fun :)
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2012, 08:56:36 am » |
Thank you for your remarks elsewhere Mr. D. And I can say something similar about your own labours - and latterly Kyjo's - on the catalogues; I had occasion last week to consult one of your "Gulabin" set - the Sinding listing - and found just what I wanted.
Incidentally, it is interesting to compare Elgar and Sinding (who might be termed the "Elgar of the north"). Sinding is perhaps shallower, but far more spontaneously lyrical; Elgar's harmonies are much more complex, and the emotions he expresses are more complex as well. There is not a lot of striving in Sinding . . . but then is there much striving in Mozart?
And of course Elgar got a knighthood, while Sinding got a life pension. . . .
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2012, 05:06:16 am » |
I have added catalogues of some additional British Composers giving a total of 116 Brits. That makes 628 Catalogues overall.....and NOW I promise I am having a break :) :)
David Carter
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 09:19:00 am » |
I have added catalogues of some additional British Composers giving a total of 116 Brits. That makes 628 Catalogues overall.....and NOW I promise I am having a break :) :)
wasn't much of a break Mr D was it ;D
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2012, 10:56:39 am » |
I am always ready to add a new catalogue if a composer's name is drawn to my attention :)
Ridout and Patterson were unfortunate ommisions previously and that has now been rectified :) I should probably add Colin Matthews too ;D
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2012, 02:28:08 am » |
Halfway through work on a catalogue of the orchestral compositions of the French composer Albert Roussel I began to have a growing sense of deja vu.
I checked my Index....and sure enough I had already completed and posted such a catalogue in early October ::) ::)
As this is a sure and certain sign that I am "losing my marbles" (ie going insane for my non-British friends ;D) or-more-charitably and hopefully-simply getting far too tired to continue...
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2012, 02:40:24 am » |
I was about to comment that you had already catalogued Roussel when you posted ;D! You are certainly not "losing your marbles", Colin, you just need a break, excuse me, a retirement from cataloguing ;D! But what an achievement-782 catalogues :)! We ought to throw a party or something! Perhaps the end of your cataloguing career is foreshadowing the end of the world on December 21 ;D ;)! But there is one thing I have to say-I, Colin Jr, have some HUGE shoes to fill with you not cataloguing anymore ;D! And most of all, CONGRATULATIONS-you deserve it much more than I did for just completing my Rieti catalogue ;D!
P.S. Please excuse my overt excitement and humor ;D! But, you've got to admit that this is indeed a very special occasion :)!
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2012, 02:52:12 am » |
Thank you most sincerely for these exceptionally kind and thoughtful sentiments, Kyle :)
If the catalogues are of value and of use to other music-lovers who like to explore the forgotten byways of orchestral music and to delve into the music of the less well-known composers then all the hard work (and-of course-it has been immense fun too :) ) will have been worth it.
Anyway....the catalogues will be up there (or should that be, "out there" ???) on the net/web.............
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2012, 03:02:35 am » |
Oh, Colin, never doubt the fact that your hard work was worth it :)! It most certainly was and reading through and referencing your catalogues has pleasured me immensely :). I am sure I am not the only person who admires all your selfless work :). Oh, I could write a book right now (in post format ;D) about your achievements, but I really better shut up before I get carried away and embarrass myself ;D! No, seriously, you should write an autobiography or something!
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2012, 12:54:44 am » |
Oh, Colin, never doubt the fact that your hard work was worth it :)! It most certainly was and reading through and referencing your catalogues has pleasured me immensely :). I am sure I am not the only person who admires all your selfless work :). Oh, I could write a book right now (in post format ;D) about your achievements, but I really better shut up before I get carried away and embarrass myself ;D! No, seriously, you should write an autobiography or something!
If I ever write an autobiography it will be left for publication after my death ;D ;D But I thank you, again, for your compliments :) :)
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2012, 01:43:15 am » |
I am always ready to add a new catalogue if a composer's name is drawn to my attention :) . . . Bořkovec . . . Nedbal . . . Ketèlbey?
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2012, 02:16:46 am » |
I am always ready to add a new catalogue if a composer's name is drawn to my attention :) . . . Bořkovec . . . Nedbal . . . Ketèlbey? "Get thee behind me........." ::)
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2012, 02:29:43 am » |
I'm greatly surprised you didn't catalogue Borkovec, Colin. His music would definitely be to your liking (it is to mine) and information on him is easily accessible :). Just saying-I'm not going to force you out of your cataloguing "hibernation" ;D! Of course, I have the option of cataloguing him myself...
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2012, 03:41:18 am » |
Borkovec ???
Be my guest ;D
(If you happen to have a spy at my online Catalogues you may see that I am adding a few old ones I compiled months ago and set aside because they are of very famous composers. This is simply to get the grand total up to a nice, round 800 ;D Pathetic, isn't it ??? Composers like Benjamin Britten, Bela Bartok, Rachmaninoff........far too famous to bother this forum with ;D But keep it secret ;D ;D)
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2012, 07:39:25 am » |
I am always ready to add a new catalogue if a composer's name is drawn to my attention :) . . . Bořkovec . . . Nedbal . . . Ketèlbey? "Get thee behind me........." ::) I'm greatly surprised and dismayed at the studied neglect which you have meted out to [Soorjo Alexander William Langobard] Oliphant Chuckerbutty (1884–1960) ...  ::) ... I'll just have to compile the list myself! :o Here it is: 1943 - Vision, for violin and orchestra ;D
"A piece is worth your attention, and is itself for you praiseworthy, if it makes you feel you have not wasted your time over it." (Sydney Grew, 1922)