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1  Assorted items / Concerts / London concert of piano music by Dave Smith on: March 15, 2018, 07:07:54 am
A shameless plug for a concert of piano music composed and performed by Dave Smith.
On Saturday 7th April 6.30 pm at Schotts music publishers - 48 Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7BB.

Programme includes a substantial new piece - The Myth of Sisyphus - as well as And with thy daring folly burn the world, 3 Kerala song arrangements, Instant Coma, Ethical Libertarian Scholars and Number Seven’s done a Runner.
Not an attempt to get all the bizarrely titled pieces in one concert .
2  MEMBERS' CORNER / Miscellany / Re: The Countries of the members of this forum: on: September 24, 2017, 03:45:37 pm
3  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: first twelve-tone technique compositions? on: July 27, 2017, 12:12:56 pm
This may be of interest
4  Assorted items / Concerts / Re: Sorabji: Opus Clavicembalisticum on: May 18, 2017, 03:46:19 pm
I attended the Oxford performance also and mighty impressive it was too.
As before, Jonathan put a great deal of effort making the fugues sound persuasive, particularly successfully with regard to the last one. The opening was certainly fast, approaching Yonty Solomon tempo - I rather like that approach. Also memorable was the Fantasia - which had never particularly struck me before. Most memorable of all was the brief Quasi Tambura section in the Passacaglia which featured an unusual and most extraordinary piano sound.

Not only was the page turner excellent, but he stood for the whole performance!
5  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Modern theremin (& orchestra) work ! on: January 27, 2017, 07:37:09 pm
they used the theremin in the music shortly after the Beach Boys used it in "Good Vibrations"...

A pedant writes . . .

Urban myth!
6  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: who is this? on: January 27, 2017, 07:33:16 pm
It's the last half of 4th July (Holidays Symphony).
7  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: What are you listening to today? on: December 27, 2016, 10:52:42 am
just arrived in the post... Langgaard's controversial Music of the Spheres....

Mmm...delightful;will go with that, then Joep Franssens 'Harmony of the Spheres'.     Any other contenders in this section ?

Johanna Beyer's Music of the spheres (1938)
8  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Four Saints in Three Acts on: December 18, 2016, 05:22:30 pm
I suspect Gauk may be thinking of music that does appear in the Opera (albeit, perhaps, not exactly as remembered) but to differing lyrics. 

Most unlikely. Gauk has just listened to the opera and didn't hear the tune which he recalls pretty vividly.

Gauk - 4 Saints was broadcast on Radio 3 on 1st September 1983: could this have been the broadcast you heard? - unfortunately I can't seem to get this link to work . . .
9  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Four Saints in Three Acts on: December 18, 2016, 12:01:03 pm
Thomson did compose another (later) opera with libretto by Gertrude Stein entitled The mother of us all. Given that they were good friends, one supposes that other settings of Stein's words were made. I did check a couple of worklists (he wrote a surprising amount), but they weren't informative enough.
10  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Four Saints in Three Acts on: December 16, 2016, 07:56:13 pm
There's a 1947 recording at 

I don't know how complete it is (I hardly know the work myself).

seems to indicate a history of cuts + more cuts . . .
11  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Is Ernest Bloch a Swiss composer or American composer? on: December 12, 2016, 06:30:51 pm
Whichever criteria one attempts to use difficulties occur.

I regard Bloch as Swiss: Varese, Carlos Salzedo and Dane Rudhyar as American for no better reason that their music seems more readily linked to that of the so-called American "Pioneers" (Ives, Ruggles, Cowell, Crawford et al) than European models. Doesn't really make sense, I suppose.

Added to which, someone will point out that Bloch has a connection with both Ornstein (love of octatonicism) and Antheil whom he taught: compare the beginning of Bloch's 1st violin sonata with early 1920s Antheil . . .

At least the way Stern plays it . . .
12  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Sir Michael Tippett's Symphony in B flat on: November 29, 2016, 12:22:55 am
Just a whisker after the 1930s, since you ask! Hope that helps!

Cor!  Must be Geoffrey Burgon!
13  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Sir Michael Tippett's Symphony in B flat on: November 28, 2016, 01:27:15 pm
Phew! Not Sorabji then!
14  MEMBERS' CORNER / Miscellany / Re: What are the most annoying things about modern composers? on: November 24, 2016, 07:35:18 pm
Many thanks for Belle, Bonne, Sage!
15  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Double Dutch on: November 20, 2016, 12:43:38 pm
One name missing so far is the quirky but estimable Jakob van Domselaer, whose music I discovered on CD some years ago; but there are a number of works available on YouTube to explore.

Especially Proeven van Stijlkunst (1913-7) (Experiments in artistic style). The early part may be a bit opaque, but what follows certainly makes up for that.

Daniel Ruyneman's Hieroglyphen (1918) is recommended also
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