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Assorted items / YouTube performances / Luboš Fišer (1935-1999)
on: January 13, 2018, 12:29:53 am
If one thinks of Luboš Fišer, it is either of his multi-stylistic film music - for which he could be called Czechoslovakia's Ennio Morricone - or of his mostly atonal, very serious, intense and expressive concert works. Piano sonata no. 1 (1955) no. 1 (1955-1956) sonata no. 3 (1960) - the work that marked Fišer's breakthrough to his personal style"Symphonic fresco" for orchestra (1963)"Relief" for organ (1964)"Fifteen pages after Dürer's Apocalypse" for orchestra (1965)"Crux" for violin, timpani and bells (1970)"Lament over the ruined town of Ur" on an ancient Sumerian text, for soprano and baritone soloists, three reciters, children's, mixed and reciters' choirs, seven tympani, bells, and two conductors (1970) for cello and piano (1975) sonata no. 6 "Fras (The devil)" (1978) for violin solo "In memoriam Terezín" (1981) sonata no. 8 (1995) for orchestra (1998)
Assorted items / YouTube performances / Richard Maxfield (1927-1969)
on: January 13, 2018, 12:07:42 am
Richard Maxfield was a composer of instrumental, electro-acoustic, and electronic music. Born in Seattle, WA he began composing in high school. He later enrolled at Stanford University, but shortly transferred to U.C. Berkeley in 1947 to study with Roger Sessions, whose work he had developed a great admiration for. After graduating in 1951, Maxfield traveled to Europe, where he was introduced to Boulez, Stockhausen, Nono, and crucially electronic tape music for the first time. He composed instrumental scores in a Neo-Classical style, and then adopted 12-tone techniques, eventually studying at Princeton University with Milton Babbitt. Maxfield also studied with Krenek, Copland, Maderna, and Dallapiccola. It was the work of John Cage however, who Maxfield met in 1958, that had the biggest influence on the composer. Maxfield began to adopt Cage's technique of chance operations during composition, sometime selecting strips of tape from a bowl at random to splice together. However, unlike other composers who used chance when composing, Maxfield often later edited works according to his taste. Along with his mentee La Monte Young, Maxfield co-curated early Fluxus concerts in New York, and also presented his works at the Living Theatre, and other New York City loft performances (notably Yoko Ono's loft) beginning in the late 1950s. Outside of composing, Maxfield was significantly involved in music education. New Grove's Dictionary of Music calls him "the first teacher of electronic music techniques in the United States." Maxfield taught at the New School in New York City in 1959 (taking over a class taught by Cage) and later at San Francisco State in 1966 and 1967. Maxfield's life was cut tragically short on June 27, 1969, when the composer, then 42 years old, committed suicide by jumping out of a window at the Figueroa Hotel in Los Angeles. ( The best introduction to his music - and a wonderful thing in itself - is this radio interview from 1960: sonata no. 2 (1948-1949)"Structures" for wind ensemble (1951) for string orchestra (1951), movement I for string quartet (1954) for violin and pianoforte (1955) music (a swarm of butterflies encountered over the ocean) (1958) music (1959) symphony (1959) Grace (1960) (1960) music (1960) (1959-1961) (1961) II for La Monte Young (1961) concert for David Tudor (1961) (1961) (1963) symphony (1964) Sonny Wilson (~1966)
Assorted items / Individual composers / Re: Gennady Vorobyov (1918-39)
on: December 30, 2017, 12:01:21 am
Hello, I am the one who uploaded the Vorobyov symphony on YouTube. Thank you for correcting my spelling of the conductor's name, I have corrected it now in the video as well. Hopefully I can help you with some information. Since Chuvashia has not produced many composers, Vorobyov is well remembered there, as you can see on this site: where you can even hear some other works by him and a more recent performance of the symphony. Here is my translation of a text I found on the site : August 13 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of one of the most gifted of a new generation of Chuvash composers that came up in the late 30’s, Gennady Vasilyevich Vorobyov (1918-1939). He lived a very short life, but his works were so great that the best of them entered the golden fund of Chuvash music. Gennady Vorobyov was born in 1918 in Cheboksary, Chuvashia, in the family of the composer and choral conductor Vasily Petrovich Vorobyov, one of the founders of the Chuvash professional music. Since childhood, Gennady Vorobyov’s craving for music was so obvious that he began his studies at a music school, and only then in general education. The first piano compositions by G. Vorobyov – “Carousel” and “Children’s Suite” (1934-1935) – were written during his studies at the music college of Cheboksary. After brilliantly finishing college, Gennady Vorobyev entered the Moscow Conservatory. On September 15, 1935 in the newspaper “Krasnaya Chuvashia” a TASS report was published “17-year-old composer,” which quoted the head of composition department of the Moscow Conservatory, Professor G. Litinsky: “Vorobyov made a strong impression on the members of the commission at his talent test. In Vorobyov, Chuvashia has a very valuable creative musical force.” It is in the class of Professor G. I. Litinsky that Gennady Vorobyov honed his technique to the level of professionalism, contributing to the solution of large creative tasks. Already in the first two years he wrote a Sonatina for piano, a Sonata for violin and piano, about a dozen treatments of Chuvash folk songs, including the famous “Amartkayak” (“Eagle”) songs on poems by A. S. Pushkin, translated into Chuvash language, and some choral songs. The creative activities of Gennady Vasilyevich Vorobyov lasted only for six years. But during this time he wrote about 70 works: instrumental chamber and orchestral works, choral songs and ballads, arrangements of Chuvash folk songs. The biggest piece, his four-movement symphony, can be conted among the best creations of Chuvash music ever. The works of G. Vorobyov were at the same time published in Moscow and Cheboksary. But they have become a rarity. In the state archives of the Chuvash Republic Vorobyov’s printed works are carefully kept. Among them: “Five Chuvash folk songs” (1939), “Holiday on the farm” (1946), “Juras” (Song) (1947), “Pieces for piano” (1969), etc. On the brief but extremely bright and intense creative searchings and findings in the life of the talented composer Gennady Vorobyov, its wonderful, genuine poetry, expressed in a variety of genres and forms, you can get information in the book by the well-known composer from the Chuvash ASSR and RSFSR, Viktor Alexandrovich Hodyashev, “Gennady Vorobyov: A brief sketch of the life and work,” published by the Chuvash Publishing House in 1968.
Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Bulgarian Music
on: October 05, 2017, 06:43:01 pm
Thank you very much for the Goleminov upload! Guerguan Tsenov already put the "Dobri Hristov" variations on YouTube, I could do that with the first symphony (as I did with the second and third - not with the fourth, since it's commercially available). I have also got two different recordings of Goleminov's third string quartet: one by the Avramov Quartet (Sofia, Bulgarian National Radio, Studio 1, 1971), and one by the Sofia Quartet (released by Gega in 1998). Besides, I recently uploaded some Nikolov on YouTube, including his "Prometheus" opera.
Assorted items / YouTube performances / Music by Livia Teodorescu-Ciocănea
on: September 16, 2017, 01:34:00 am
Music by Romanian composer Livia Teodorescu-Ciocănea (*1959) Sonatina for piano (1985) concerto "Ritual pentru fermecarea aerului (Rite for enchanting the air)" (1998) rouge et le noir. Ballet in three acts with prologue and epilogue, based on the eponymous novel by Stendhal (1999)"Evangheliile toamnei (Autumn gospels)" for voice and piano, on a poem by Nichita Stănescu (2002)"Orationes aliquot Sanctć Brigittć (Some prayers of Saint Bridget)" for mixed choir a cappella (2002)"Tabaluga Tango" for two bassoons, four contrabassoons, piano, and accordion (2003) şi Remus (Romulus and Remus). Trio for two violins and piano (2004)"S'amor non č… (If it's not love …)" (Petrarca, Sonnet 132). Song for voice and piano (2007) tremendum. Cantata for voice (soprano, mezzo-soprano or tenor) and orchestra (2007, rev. 2016) Trio for clarinet, violin and piano (2008) no. 2 for piano and orchestra "Lebenskraft" (2008, rev. 2011)"Endeavour bells" for piano and tape (2008, rev. 2010)ă (Autumn). Song for voice and piano on a poem by Nicolae Coman (2010-2011)"Întomnare-n lied (Song at the beginning of autumn)" on a poem by Nicolae Coman (2011)"Enceladus (Geysers on icy moon)" for piano solo (2016)'isolement (Isolation). Poem for two sopranos and piano four-hands on the eponymous poem by Alphonse de Lamartine (2017)"Magna Mater – Cybele" for two pianos (2017)"Vecernie (Vespers)" for mixed choir (2017) Trio for French Horn, violin and piano (2018)"Chalumeaux de Fontainebleau" for solo B-flat clarinet (2023)