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Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Second-Tier English Symphonies
on: March 14, 2019, 09:23:37 pm
Your premise is that there are first and second tier symphonies, I contest this and maintain that there are only symphonies; a symphony which is not a living and vital entity is not a symphony.
That is what my first sentence means, it still means it, and it is perfectly grammatical and idiomatic.
I have a first-class degree in English from Oxford University and a PhD in English, I have five published collections of poetry to my name, as well as other published works, so please don't tell me I can't write.
I shan't bother to elucidate my next sentences, since you will be incapable of understanding them however simply they are put.
Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Second-Tier English Symphonies
on: March 14, 2019, 06:48:19 am
"...inadequate means of propagating music throughout recent times" - are you kidding?
Anyone can go on Youtube now and easily listen to all 32 Brian Symphonies arranged in a tidy sequence, - which might be true of Simpson's 11 as well, not to mention the other (multitudinous) means of access and exposure.
You must mean something different from the obvious, - but then, I find your entire post quite incoherent.
Is there any reason why you are being rude?
Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Second-Tier English Symphonies
on: March 13, 2019, 09:29:07 pm
I contest your premises, any symphony which is living and worth listening to is first-tier, other symphonies are simply not worth listening to. It's no fault of first-tier symphonists like Brian and Simpson that their works are or have been neglected, merely inadequate means of propagating music throughout recent times. These inadequate means also entail an overvaluation of some of the composers you mention, such as Elgar.
Assorted items / Individual composers / Uros Krek
on: January 27, 2019, 12:30:13 am
Krek was a Slovenian composer, Youtube has his Sonatina for Strings and a few choral pieces. Does anyone have any info about other recordings? He was supposed to have written a Violin Concerto.
Assorted items / Individual composers / Re: Susan Spain-Dunk
on: January 22, 2019, 08:36:09 pm
Well her Kentish Downs Overture is marvellous (I was going to say charming but that sounded patronising). Very evocative. And her Fantasy Quartet has been recorded on a disk of sq music by female composers and can be heard on Youtube. That is great too. Now for Stonehenge. ;D
Assorted items / YouTube performances / Çary Nurymow
on: January 17, 2019, 08:32:28 pm
Could someone with cyrillic searching skills see if anything by this Turkoman compose is available. I have his Symphony No.2 (I think from this forum).
Assorted items / Individual composers / Re: Whatever happened to Fritz Brun?
on: January 15, 2019, 05:39:58 am
I listened to Brun's Symphony No. on Youtube today It is the craziest symphony I have ever listened to (not in a good way), it sounds like it was written by a committee: no consistency or general style at all, and seemingly completely new material every section.
Introduction / Greetings / Re: Happy Christmas/Holiday Season to All Members
on: January 08, 2019, 08:30:43 pm
shouldn’t the “index nominum” be the “index nominorum?”
My Latin is also rusty, but the phrase means "index of names". Nomen (name) is third declension so if I remember correctly its genitive plural would be nominum. Nominorum would be the genitive plural of nominus (second declension), if such a word exists. A happy New Year to everyone. Mea magna culpa :-[