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31  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Sally Beamish Piano Concerto No. 2 on: July 09, 2017, 12:55:43 am
Dear members,
I have uploaded the recent Swedish radio broadcast of Sally Beamish's 3rd Piano Concerto.
And now you have them all!  :)
32  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Erkki-Sven Tüür: Symphony no 1 on: May 27, 2017, 10:17:25 am
Thank you very much! That's been a desideratum for some years!
33  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Sally Beamish Piano Concerto No. 2 on: March 12, 2017, 02:34:17 pm
I can offer her first piano concerto which was recently broadcast by Swedish radio P2. Anyone interested?
34  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: What are you listening to today? on: January 26, 2017, 10:07:48 pm
I too like the Runolfsson suite very much. I've been a bit disappointed of the Esja Symphony, but perhaps this is owing to the bad recording quality of my tape. The piece was broadcast in the mid 1990 by Euroclassic Notturno. I've been waiting for another airing since, in vain. Do you have a better recording, Alex?
35  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Klami - Psalmus on: January 15, 2017, 05:37:15 pm
A recent live performance of Uuno Klami's magnum opus:
36  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Adolfs Skulte: Symphony no 7 on: November 24, 2016, 07:22:20 pm
The downloads are okay, I think, but perhaps you may want to remove them and put them in the downloads section. ;)
37  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Sterling CD... whats the deal with the quality?? on: November 04, 2016, 10:50:00 am
I bought three Sterlings a couple of years ago from jpc. All booklets have this unprofessional look. Moreover the CDs look like an unprofessional burning instead of pressing. I read somewhere that nimbus records do no longer press but burn their CDs, so I thought the same about these Sterlings. Strange.
38  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Dutton Deletions on: October 16, 2016, 07:23:48 am
Very sad indeed. I missed the Rubbra sonatas, too.
It would be nice if Dutton offered deleted CDs as commercial downloads.
39  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Clarification of Moeran's 2nd Symphony on: July 16, 2016, 02:37:54 pm
A recent thesis sheds new light on Moeran's biography and the dating of the E-flat String Quartet:

40  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Sullivan and Brian on Dutton on: July 06, 2016, 12:11:11 am
Though I think we should better start a Moeran 2 thread I would like to comment on the recent discussion.
Movement 1-3 are to a large extent based on Moeran's manuscript. This manuscript has been edited by Fabian Huss and was for some time available as a free download. (I can no longer find it.)
I think Martin Yates has described that he used a short motive as the main (new) material to built the otherwise nonexistant fourth movement. He made clear that employing this material was HIS solution for the finale problem, not necessarily Moeran's. Yates creates a great peroration from the main material of the first movement and brings this finale to a succesful close. But to my mind the problem ist this short new finale motive. It lacks the strength of the other themes and the way in which Yates develops it reminds me in sound and structure more of the early symphonies by David Diamond than Moeran!
41  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Halvorsen - Mascarade Suite on: May 07, 2016, 08:49:56 pm

yes, I know, there are two versions of this Halvorsen Suite currently available on CD, one conducted by Ari Rasilainen, the other by Neeme Järvi.
Many years ago I was able to record a broadcast of some movements from an earlier recording on LP, conducted by Øivind Bergh.
(I tried to insert different hyperlinks to several sites which refer to this recording but somehow they don't work when I click them after publishing.)

This LP has never been transferred to CD. Has any member access to this recording? It sounds far more energetic and convincing to my ears than the other two recordings.
42  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: George Butterworth on BIS on: April 08, 2016, 07:41:35 pm
Thanks for alerting us!
See this earlier discussion:,4422.0.html
43  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Herbert Howells - "The B's" and "Music for a Prince" on: March 28, 2016, 08:29:28 pm
Can anyone elaborate on the conncection between these works?
The B's, an orchestral suite, was written in 1914. In 1948 Howells "revisited" two movements as "Music for a Prince" to celebrate the birth of Prince Charles.
"Revisited", that's the expression most commentators use when they try to describe the connection. But it's a very vague expression.
What exactly did Howells do with them?
44  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Re: Grace Williams-Four Illustrations on: March 09, 2016, 05:48:07 pm
I am sorry, I cannot give you more information about the recording of the Elegy. It was the last piece in a five-part edition of Composer of the Week in 2006. Donald McLeod said the score bore the inscription "not to be performed" or something like that but he didn't give the date.
45  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: George Butterworth - Fantasia for orchestra on: February 27, 2016, 02:16:46 pm
Now that the Yates version has been recorded it is fascinating to hear that Kriss Russman's version will be available too very soon. This is from Russman's website:

In 2014, Kriss Russman completed George Butterworth’s Orchestral Fantasia which was left unfinished before the composer was killed in the First World War. He is currently recording the work for BIS Records on a Butterworth CD with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales to be released in April 2016. The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, under Martyn Brabbins gave the public world premiere of the Orchestral Fantasia at Glasgow City Halls on 19th November 2015.  London's The Telegraph hailed the completion as 'a considerable achievement' and 'convincingly Butterworthian'.
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