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181  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Joseph Jongen (1873-1953): Symphony (1910) on: September 29, 2012, 11:54:47 pm
It has been discussed at UC a couple of days ago. No one knows of a recording. Eric gave us this link:
182  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Dutch Music on: September 19, 2012, 04:47:48 pm
Jan Koetsier (1911-2006)

Musik für vierchöriges Orchester op. 28 (1944/57)

(The Dutch title 'Muziek voor vier orkesten' means literally 'Music for four orchestras'.
The German title indicates that the orchestra is subdivided into four groups or 'choirs'.)

Symphonieorchester des Bayrischen Rundfunks
Colin Davis, cond.
Broadcast of a concert given 10./11. January 1991 in the Philharmonie am Gasteig, Munich
183  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Upcoming Naxos Releases? on: September 19, 2012, 01:45:03 pm
Well, all I have is this diary entry and that's no proof. I didn't mention the source and, as I said, it sounds highly unbelievable, esp that DGG should be involved.
184  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: Upcoming Naxos Releases? on: September 19, 2012, 01:25:37 pm
I have just read an entry in my diary of twenty years ago that Leonard Bernstein had signed a contract with DGG to record the complete Harris symphonies shortly before his death. Can anyone confirme this? Sounds unbelieveable.
185  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Romanian Music on: September 16, 2012, 01:40:20 pm
You have a talent for making one curious about the music, Holger!  :)
Now I think I will listen to the Dumitrescu brothers sometime...
186  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Romanian Music on: September 16, 2012, 12:21:46 pm
Thank you Holger for rectifying a few dates! I value your expertise very much! :)
I just wanted to give a few sources and stimulate further research.
Of course your are right, wikipedia is not always reliable. Unfortunately I haven't access to MGG or Grove very often
187  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Romanian Music on: September 15, 2012, 02:29:07 pm
When I download the music kindly offered by our contributors I create a folder for every composer and give their date of birth and death. I save the music by it’s title and date of composition. Therefore I have to do a lot of work in some cases. ;)
Perhaps other members would like to profit from my recent research on the last batch of uploads of Romanian music by MVS.

It has often been very difficult to find information about the composers.
Some have not even a Romanian wikipedia entry.
Moreover Romania doesn’t have a Music Information Centre. (

I don’t speak nor read Romanian but I will give an occasional link in case I couldn’t trace a substantial English source.
Of course, a great source is Michael Herman’s discography of EAST-CENTRAL EUROPEAN AND BALKAN SYMPHONIES which gives basic information on even the rarest figure.

Liana Alexandra (1947-2011)
Her husband, composer Serban Nichifor, has written about her:
According to the worklist applied to this document the Symphony No. 3 was written from 1982-83.

Vasile Herman (1929-2010)
There is not even a Romanian wikipedia page.
Michael Herman has to update his entry on Vasile Herman; his namesake has passed away two years ago.

Ion Dumitrescu (1913-1996)
The German wikipedia page is the most comprehensive. However, it dates the Symphony No. 1 to 1955 instead of 1948. The Symphonic Prelude is dated 1952, the Concerto for strings 1961.

Zoltan Aládár (1929-1978)
Only this Esperanto wikipedia page
Michael Herman gives 1972 as date of Symphony No. 2.

Mihail Jora (1891-1971)

Nicolae Beloiu (1927-2003)
Here’s a substantial Romanian site, though not quite up to date.

Sigismund Toduţă (1908-1991) is certainly the most prominent – and the only one whose music I have heard before. He has his own website.

A lot of time has gone into this and I must confess that Romanian music is not even a favourite of mine.
Most likely I will never listen to any of the works for mere lack of time.  ;D

188  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Finnish Music on: September 15, 2012, 02:17:20 pm
Occasionally I've had similar problems at UC and today it happened here with Ion Dumitrescu's Symphonic Prelude.
But I will try again tomorrow. Most likely it's not a virus- or malware problem but something relating to the mediafire software. Eric explained it over there at UC I think.
Try it another time, malito, and tell me if it happened again!
189  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Finnish Music on: September 12, 2012, 05:03:25 pm
Sulho Ranta (1901-60)

Symphony No. 1, Sinfonia piccola, op. 43 (1932)

Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Jukka-Pekka Saraste, cond.

Dutch Radio 4 broadcast from the late 1990s.

Here is some more info on Ranta:

Details of this recording are also given here:

I couldn’t establish if this means that it is a commercial recording.
I will rely on Michael Herman’s wishlist that it isn’t. ;)
190  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Finnish Music on: September 12, 2012, 04:33:31 pm
Helvi Leiviskä (1902-82)

Symphony No. 3 op. 31 (1971)

Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Sakari Oramo

Finnish radio broadcast, 2011

Here is some information on Leiviskä:
191  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Russian and Soviet Music on: August 26, 2012, 01:00:34 am
Yes, it was from the same concert. This is from the website of the NYYD Ensemble:

18. oktoober 2004 kell 19.00 Estonia Kontserdisaal
EBU kontserdisari DISCOVERIES
NYYD Ensemble. Dirigent Olari Elts, solist Anu Komsi (sopran, Soome)

Sergei Prokofjev           - Overture on Hebrew Themes op 34
Vladimir Štšerbatšov    - Nonett
Mihhail Gnessin            - Adõgeja sekstett
Aleksander Mossolov/
Edisson Denissov         - Three Children’s Scenes op 18
                                     - Four Newspaper Ads op21
Nikolai Roslavets          - Chamber Symphony

The Swedish announcer gives the following soloist:

Anu Komsi, soprano
Mihkel Peäske, flute
Marrit Gerretz-Traksman, piano
Eda Peäske, harp

He gives 1920 as the date of composition.
192  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Russian and Soviet Music on: August 25, 2012, 07:54:07 pm
I haven't downloaded this performance because I think I have the same: German Deutschlandradio has broadcast this concert, too. It took place 18 October 2004 in the Estonia Concert Hall, Tallin. Anu Komsi was the soprano and the NYDD Ensemble was directed by Olari Elts. The performance took 32 minutes. But if you like I will download the file later. My Swedish isn't perfect but it works.
193  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Maxwell Davies Symphony No 9 on: August 25, 2012, 03:59:24 pm
No, "Maxwell" is part of his christian name. You will find No. 7 in folder D.  ;)
194  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Maxwell Davies Symphony No 9 on: August 25, 2012, 01:35:32 pm
I couldn't find these under 'D' in the British and Irish Catalogue. Am I being thick?

It's not yet in Albion's catalogue, you have to look at the downloads thread, Jim!
195  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Mexican Music on: August 24, 2012, 09:38:07 pm
Jowcol, the music by Revueltas which you uploaded is from the 1935 film "Redes". I admit, the announcer is difficult to understand.  ;D
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