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16  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Ruth Gipps - Symphony No. 2 on: February 14, 2019, 09:59:02 pm
Ruth Gipps's 2nd Symphony has been given a live performance in Sweden in November last year.
Swedish Radio P2 is going to broadcast this event the coming Wednesday:
17  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Re: Ethel Smyth Mass in D (1893) on: January 24, 2019, 06:36:36 pm
In case nobody here recorded this broadcast: Sveriges Radio will air the same recording the coming Monday. It will be available for four weeks.
18  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Otto Besch - Kammermusik und Lieder on: November 15, 2018, 06:22:42 pm
Dear members,

I am looking for recordings of music by Otto Besch (1885-1966)
MDG recorded his lovely Mittsommerlied for string quartet years ago.
I found out that back in 1986 an LP containing chamber music and songs was released.

Has anyone of you access to this LP?
19  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Danish Music on: April 30, 2018, 09:28:04 pm
Otto Dütsch (1823-1863)

The Croatian Girl, Overture (premiered in 1860)

Danish Radio Concert Orchestra
Hannu Koivula, cond.

Broadcast by EBU Notturno in June 2015, stream recorded from Swedish Radio P2
20  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: "Recent" Toccata Releases on: January 24, 2018, 10:47:48 pm
BTW, have you seen this:

Orchestral Music, Volume One
Symphony No. 4 in E flat, Op. 54
Divertimento in D, Op. 58
Variations on a Scottish Theme, Op. 72
Symphony No. 8, Op. 117
Liepāja Symphony Orchestra
John Gibbons, conductor
TOCC 0480

Still in the pipeline though...
21  Assorted items / Commercial recordings (vintage, new and forthcoming) / Re: "Recent" Toccata Releases on: January 24, 2018, 09:31:50 pm
Colin, you have most likely heard of Rodney Newton before because you have the Dutton CD with his orchestration of the Moeran Overture! ;)
22  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: Russian and Soviet Music on: December 22, 2017, 12:24:26 pm
No, it's the 1945 fragment. You can find more information here:
23  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Babcock,,David - Symphony No. 5 Op. 58 (2001) on: September 30, 2017, 01:26:31 pm
Also studied with Francis Burt ...

Sorry to be a bother, but don't know much Burt and Goer? Are they notable?

A good opportunity to learn abou Alexander Goehr offers the recent BBC Composer of the Week portrait:

I remember Huw Watkins telling an anecdote about Goehr, who was his teacher: "You need not apologise for your piece being in C major!"  ;D
24  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: List of Symphony Composers on: August 26, 2017, 03:40:42 pm
Penderecki has stated in several interviews that he wants to finish his No. 6. But he has so many plans for the future...
25  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Orchestral/Choral Works about Lenin and October revolution on: August 26, 2017, 03:39:31 pm
Richard Trunk who joined the Nazi party in 1931 wrote a Cantata "Die Feier der neuen Front" (1932) which was dedicated to Hitler and celebrated the person and his vision.

I see that my formulation is prone to misunderstandings. I should have made clear that I did not want to suggest any positive aspects with the word "vision" in this context. Using inverted comma would have helped. Anyway, it's mere luck that I exist, due to the fact that a courageous person defended my grandfather by giving a false oath to save his life. Otherwise the Nazis would have condemned him to death.
26  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Orchestral/Choral Works about Lenin and October revolution on: August 25, 2017, 08:27:20 pm
Were there any "Hitler Cantatas"?  I have always wondered about that. Why are Stalin and Lenin "OK" but not Hitler?  I guess because Stalin "won".  Stalin murdered way more people than Hitler.

Richard Trunk who joined the Nazi party in 1931 wrote a Cantata "Die Feier der neuen Front" (1932) which was dedicated to Hitler and celebrated the person and his vision. The texts were written by Baldur von Schirach. It received many performances during the Third Reich period. I read somewhere that Hitler did not accept personal dedications after that. But this does not mean that no such works were written.

The Prokofiev Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution, Op. 74 has been performed two days ago in Weimar. There was a Symposion which put it into context. It will be broadcast 22. September 2017:

Here is a German review:
27  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Raritäten der Klaviermusik Husum on: August 24, 2017, 08:41:55 am
To be broadcast this evening, 8 pm, by Deutschlandfunk Kultur, the programme includes a piece by our esteemed member Alistair:

Raritäten der Klaviermusik
Schloss vor Husum, Rittersaal
Aufzeichnung vom 21.08.2017

George Enescu
Choral et Carillon nocturne aus Suite Nr. 3, op. 18

Marc-André Hamelin
Pavane variée

Alistair Hinton
Vocalise-Reminiscenza op. 29

Samuel Feinberg
Sonate Nr.2 a-Moll, op. 2
Sonate Nr.1 A-Dur, op. 1
Sonate Nr.4 es-Moll, op. 6

Léon Jongen

Moritz Moszkowski
Valse op. 34 Nr. 1
Caprice espagnol op. 37

Marc-André Hamelin, Klavier
28  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Re: Malcolm Williamson - Our Man in Havanna on: July 28, 2017, 03:15:17 pm
Ah, I didn't know that ABC Classic FM has a listen-again service. Thanks!
29  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Re: Malcolm Williamson - Our Man in Havanna on: July 19, 2017, 08:00:16 pm
Too late, it's over. I wasn't able to record myself, therefore I posted the link. Perhaps another member recorded it?
30  Assorted items / Coming broadcasts and listen-later links / Malcolm Williamson - Our Man in Havanna on: July 14, 2017, 07:55:37 pm
To be broadcast by ABC Classic FM this coming Sunday, a complete performance of Malcolm Williamson's Our Man in Havanna:
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