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16  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: French music on: August 07, 2013, 02:56:23 pm
This music was from a program dedied to Raymond Gallois-Montbrun, so perhaps this limits a Little the scope of the mystery.
17  Downloads by surname / Downloads: discussion without links / Re: French music on: August 07, 2013, 12:18:01 am
I am sorry for the mistake, but the link is correct, the intro of the French Radio is for the Trois Danses, so I have no more information about this work. I have removed it.
18  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Cuban music on: August 05, 2013, 04:45:42 pm
Alejandro García Caturla (Remedios 1906 - 1940)

Bembe (1929)
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Cuba, Manuel Duchesne Cuzán conducting

Broadcast by Catalunya Musica from a Radio La Habana recording
19  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Spanish Music on: June 10, 2013, 07:51:32 pm
Joaquín Turina (Sevilla 1882 - 1949)

This Sea Symphony was composed between 1945 and 1948 but left unfinished at the composer's death in 1949 (only piano score).
The work was orchestrated in 1982 by Manuel Castillo (1930-2005) for a concert to celebrate the composer's centenary. This is the version uploaded here.

Sinfonía del mar (Sea Symphony)
Orquesta Nacional de España, Benito Lauret conducts.

From the 1982 concert broadcast by RNE Radio Clásica at a later date.

20  Assorted items / General musical discussion / Re: Symphonies Inspired by the Sea on: June 10, 2013, 12:28:18 pm
Joaquín Turina Sinfonía del mar (Symphony of the Sea), unfortunately unfinished.
21  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Uruguayan Music on: May 28, 2013, 05:46:35 pm
Vicente Ascone (Siderno, Calabria 1897 - 1979)

Italian-born uruguayan composer

Tres estampas campesinas (Three rural sketches) (Date unknown)
Orquesta sinfónica del SODRE, Juan Protasi conducts

Broadcast from RNE Radio Clásica from the eighties (so old cassette...)
22  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Argentine Music on: April 13, 2013, 09:23:38 pm
Rodolfo Arizaga (Buenos Aires 1926 - 1985)

Música para Cristóbal Colón, Symphonic Poem (1966)
Orquesta Filarmónica de Buenos Aires, Pedro Calderón conducts

Luis Milici (Rosario 1910 - 1998)

Impresiones norteñas, suite (date unknown)
Orquesta de cámara municipal de Rosario

Edgar Spinassi (Rosario 1922 - 1983)

Rapsodia sobre un tema de tango (date unknown)
Alicia Correa (piano)
Orquesta de cámara municipal de Rosario
23  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Vieri Tosatti on: March 17, 2013, 12:42:08 pm
Channel dedied to Italian composer Vieri Tosatti (1920-1999) incudes two complete operas, viola concerto,..and the famous 'Partita a pugni'
24  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Polish Music on: March 08, 2013, 06:41:45 pm
Alexander Tansman - Sabbataï Zevi

Fresque lyrique en un prologue et 4 actes d'après la pièce de Nathan Bistritzky traduite en français par I. Ezrachi Krischevski.

Jacques Doucet, basse : Sabbatai
Geneviève Moizan, soprano : Sarah
Jacqueline Maréchal, soprano : l'Adolescent
Paul Derenne, ténor : Moshé
Jean Giraudeau, ténor : Samuel
Louis Amade, ténor : le Sultan
Georges Abdoun, ténor : le Vizir
Jean Mollien, basse : Nehemie
Chœurs et Orch. National de la RTF
Direction : Charles Bruck

Recording of the world premiere March 3 1961 at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées
25  MEMBERS' CORNER / Members' wish lists & requests / Re: Tansman's 'Isaiah the Prophet' on: March 07, 2013, 12:14:35 pm
I have recordings of the operas 'Sabbataï Zevi, le faux messie' (1953) and 'Le serment' (1954) both recorded from France Musique. If you are insterested I can upload them, as far as I know they are not available on CD.
26  Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Spanish Music on: February 11, 2013, 08:22:31 pm
Salvador Brotons (Barcelona 1959)

Catalan composer, conductor and flutist, from 1987 to 1997 in the USA. His music is not particularly dissonant.

Symphony n.2 "Resplandor" (Brilliance) (1983)
Orquestra Ciutat de Barcelona, the composer conducts

Symphony n.3 (1992)
Orquesta Clásica de Madrid, Odon Alonso conducts

Concert broadcasts by Catalunya Musica and Radio Clasica respectively
27  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Volodymir Zubitskiy on: February 04, 2013, 08:13:43 pm
Volodymir Zubitskiy (Ukraine 1953)
Folk-symphony "Chumak songs" "Dumka"
28  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Valentin Bibik on: February 04, 2013, 08:07:33 pm
Valentin Bibik (Ukraine 1940 - 2003)
Farewell Symphony-Poem on verses of A.Pushkin for Choir and Chamber orchestra
Also symphony n.5, 10, concertos...etc in the same channel
29  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Re: Emil Tabakov symphonies on: February 03, 2013, 09:49:55 am
Sorry, I forgot to check Obscure Composers section.... My mistake.
30  Assorted items / YouTube performances / Emil Tabakov symphonies on: February 02, 2013, 09:55:09 am
Emil Tabakov (Bulgaria 1947) symphonies n.5,6,7,8
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