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Downloads by surname / Only direct links / Re: Spanish Music
on: May 09, 2014, 05:46:02 pm
Manuel Valls i Gorina (Badalona 1920 - 1984) Catalan composer and musical critic. For those who like trivia. he was related to the current french prime minister, Manuel Valls also (his father cousin) and he composed the hymn of the Football Club Barcelona...(sorry, I cannot sing it for you, I do not like very much football). Guitar Concerto (1966) Trepat (Guitar), orquestra simfonica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya, Elio Boncompagni conductsCançons de la roda del temps (Songs of the Wheel of Time) (1963)çons_de_la_roda_del_temps.MP3Anna Ricci (Mezzo), Grup instrumental Barcelona 216, Ernest Martínez Izquierdo conductsEl preceptes (The Precepts) (Date unknown) Ricci (Mezzo), Bernat Castillejos (Flute), Montserrat Lopez (Oboe), Montserrat Margalef (Clarinet), Francesc Benítez (Bassoon)If anybody is interested in more works from him I can upload the chamber opera CAL 33-33, o El bon samaritá (1967).