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Assorted items => Symphonies => Topic started by: greek on June 29, 2022, 10:32:43 am

Title: Index of symphonies uploaded and tested.
Post by: greek on June 29, 2022, 10:32:43 am
Index of symphonies still downloadable - part 1 of 2. This is work in progress and will probably continue several weeks more. For example there are many to come from the YouTube department.

Lev Abeliovich sym 2 (,875.msg11845.html#msg11845)
Lev Abeliovich sym 3 (,875.msg12127.html#msg12127)
Jean Absil sym 3 (,550.msg5561.html#msg5561)
Dieter Acker sym 1 (,618.msg19239.html#msg19239)
Grigor Akhinyan sym 1 (,496.msg3201.html#msg3201)
Mikalay Aladau sym 10 (,875.msg11890.html#msg11890)
Anatoly Alexandrov sym 1 (,496.msg13468.html#msg13468)
Carlos Alsina sym 2 (,574.msg3582.html#msg3582)
Hendrik Andriessen sym 1 (,555.msg4208.html#msg4208)
Emil Axman sym 5 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)

Henk Badings sym 8 (,555.msg24671.html#msg24671)
Henk Badings sym 9 (,555.msg3170.html#msg3170)
Jürg Baur sym 1 (,618.msg3710.html#msg3710)
Niels Bentzon sym 4 (,558.msg9772.html#msg9772)
Niels Bentzon syms 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 and 18 (,558.msg19390.html#msg19390)
Jiří Bezděk sym 2 (,531.msg14800.html#msg14800)
Pavel Blatny (,531.msg2913.html#msg2913)
August de Boeck (,550.msg33149.html#msg33149)
Anatoli Bogatyrev sym 2 (,496.msg11813.html#msg11813)
Bogoslovsky syms 6 and 7 (,496.msg3385.html#msg3385)
Vladimir Bokes sym 3 (,505.msg3370.html#msg3370)
Karel de Brabander sym 2 (,550.msg21119.html#msg21119)
Gunnar Bucht sym 8 (,635.msg19243.html#msg19243)
Bunin syms 5 6 and 8 (,496.msg21969.html#msg21969)
Emil Burian sym 2 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Max Butting syms 3 and 8 (,618.msg3377.html#msg3377)

Peter Cabus (,550.msg4284.html#msg4284)
Josef Ceremuga syms 2 and 4 (,531.msg4283.html#msg4283)
Shirvani Chalayev sym 1 (,496.msg3002.html#msg3002)
Osvald Chlubna sym (,531.msg19245.html#msg19245)
Jan Cikker sym 2 (,505.msg3378.html#msg3378)
Jan Cikker sp sym (,505.msg30709.html#msg30709)
Johann Cilenšek sym 2 (,618.msg11938.html#msg11938)

Johann David syms 2 3 4 7 and 8 (,618.msg3377.html#msg3377)
Johann David sym 5 (,832.msg15865.html#msg15865)
Hanus Domansky sym (,505.msg3380.html#msg3380)
Klimenty Dominchen sym 1 (,496.msg11811.html#msg11811)
Jaroslav Doubrava sym 3 (,531.msg4420.html#msg4420)

Hans Eklund syms 7 and 8 (,635.msg12945.html#msg12945)
Hans Eklund sym 11 (,635.msg12944.html#msg12944)
Hans Eklund syms 2 3 4 5 and 6 (,635.msg18840.html#msg18840)
Frantisek Emmert sym 7 (,531.msg23144.html#msg23144)

Jindřich Feld sym 2 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Petr Fiala sym 3 (,531.msg18581.html#msg18581)
Juraj Filas sym 1 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Juraj Filas sym 2 (,531.msg3338.html#msg3338)
Oldřich Flosman sym con (,531.msg17489.html#msg17489)
Josef Foerster sym 4 (,531.msg37099.html#msg37099)
Josef Foerster syms 1 2 3 and 5 (,531.msg37225.html#msg37225)
Ilse Fromm-Michaels sym (,618.msg15413.html#msg15413)

Luis Gianneo syma (,574.msg9399.html#msg9399)
Alberto Ginastera SE (,574.msg37833.html#msg37833)
Evgeny Glebov sym 1 (,875.msg11858.html#msg11858)
Evgeny Glebov syms 2 and 3 (,875.msg11856.html#msg11856)
Reinhold Gličre sym 3 (,496.msg16854.html#msg16854)
Alexander Goedicke sym 3 (,496.msg13930.html#msg13930)
Jozef Grešák sym 1 (,505.msg4436.html#msg4436)

Jan Hanus syms 1 3 4 5 6 and 7 (,531.msg14150.html#msg14150)
Svatopluk Havelka sym 1 (,531.msg7146.html#msg7146)
Vagn Holmboe syms 5 and 8 (,558.msg25012.html#msg25012)
Jef van Hoof (,550.msg33149.html#msg33149)
Karel Horký sym 3 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)

Jiří Jaroch sym 2 (,531.msg26497.html#msg26497)
Jiří Jaroch sym 3 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Pavel Jerabek sym 1 (,531.msg3338.html#msg3338)
Milan Jira sym 7 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Karel Jirak sym 3 (,531.msg3152.html#msg3152)
Karel Jirak sym 5 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Ivan Jirko sym 3 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)

Vaclav Kalik sym 2 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Imants Kalnins sym 1 (,533.msg6181.html#msg6181)
Imants Kalnins sym 3 (,533.msg6144.html#msg6144)
Jan Kapr sym 5 (,531.msg10063.html#msg10063)
Jan Kapr sym 7 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Jan Kapr sym 8 (,531.msg19254.html#msg19254)
Jan Kapr sym 9 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Alemdar Karamanov syms 5 and 11 (,496.msg11333.html#msg11333)
Dezider Kardos sym 4 (,505.msg30592.html#msg30592)
Rudolf Karel (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Maurice Karkoff syms 1 and 3 (,635.msg4435.html#msg4435)
Rudolf Kelterborn sym 3 (,597.msg12347.html#msg12347)
Karen Khachaturian sym 1 (,496.msg13907.html#msg13907)
Dudar Khakhanov syms 1 2 3 4 6 10 12 (,496.msg37425.html#msg37425)
Wojciech Kilar sym 3 (,515.msg5699.html#msg5699)
Erland von Koch syms and 5 (,635.msg3714.html#msg3714)
Charles Koechlin sym 2 (,502.msg23135.html#msg23135)
Ctirad Kohoutek (,531.msg10063.html#msg10063)
Joonas Kokkonen syms 2 and 4 (,556.msg3147.html#msg3147)
Herman Koppel sym 5 (,558.msg4418.html#msg4418)
Jaroslav Krček sym 2 (,531.msg19611.html#msg19611)
Jaroslav Krček sym 3 (,531.msg15557.html#msg15557)
Isa Krejci syms 1 3 and 4 (,531.msg17651.html#msg17651)
Isa Krejci syms 1 2 3 and 4 (,531.msg37259.html#msg37259)
Jan Krenz syms 2 and 3 (,515.msg16283.html#msg16283)
Miroslav Kubička (,531.msg5090.html#msg5090)
Ivan Kurz syms 1 and 2 (,531.msg19262.html#msg19262)

Joseph Lauber sym 1 (,597.msg35605.html#msg35605)
Alexander Lokshin syms 1 and 8 (,496.msg9224.html#msg9224)
Alexander Lokshin syms 2 and 3 (,496.msg9240.html#msg9240)
Arthur Lourié (,496.msg4564.html#msg4564)
Zdeněk Lukáš sym 2 (,531.msg19346.html#msg19346)
Zdeněk Lukáš sym 4 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Torbjorn Lundquist syms 2 3 and 4 (,635.msg19085.html#msg19085)
Stanislav Lyudkevich (,496.msg4820.html#msg4820)

Vladimir Magdalits (,496.msg6868.html#msg6868)
Josef Matej sym 2 (,531.msg3368.html#msg3368)
Josef Matej sym 3 (,531.msg33885.html#msg33885)
Emilie Mayer sym 4 (,618.msg6437.html#msg6437)
Arif Melikov sym 3 (,496.msg10227.html#msg10227)
Arthur Meulemans sym 4 (,550.msg13373.html#msg13373)
Krzysztof Meyer sym 6 (,515.msg24716.html#msg24716)
Jean de Middeleer (,550.msg3584.html#msg3584)
Antonín Modr sym 2 (,531.msg19234.html#msg19234)
Weli Muhadow sym 2 (,496.msg16876.html#msg16876)
Herman Mulder sym 4 (,555.msg10062.html#msg10062)
Karl Franz Muller (,832.msg12345.html#msg12345)
Nikolai Myaskovsky sym 4 (,496.msg21700.html#msg21700)