Title: Rued Langgaard with the Berlin Philharmonic! Post by: cilgwyn on June 16, 2022, 08:45:51 pm A Rued Langgaard symphony (No 1) performed by the Berlin Philharmonic (+ Langgaard mini festival)! :o :o :o :o :o (Actually,it's 'returning'!) And a recording will follow! Wow-ee! :o :o :o :o :o
https://www.dacapo-records.dk/en/news/dacapo-records-enters-into-cooperation-with-legendary-orchestra-for-a-danish-outsiders-first (https://www.dacapo-records.dk/en/news/dacapo-records-enters-into-cooperation-with-legendary-orchestra-for-a-danish-outsiders-first) Title: Re: Rued Langgaard with the Berlin Philharmonic! Post by: guest377 on July 02, 2022, 12:24:00 pm I personally prefer the 2nd and 3rd symphony. The first has so much going on and is so long I must take breaks between the movements. Anyway it should be good recording.
Title: Re: Rued Langgaard with the Berlin Philharmonic! Post by: cilgwyn on July 03, 2022, 08:03:58 pm The First Symphony is a fine piece and a tremendous first symphony for the then teenage composer! That said I prefer some of his later offerings! (It's a bit noisy & it can get a bit wearing,if you're not in the right mood!) It's a nice idea,though. Bringing it back to the orchestra first played it. I just hope that we'll be hearing the Berlin Philharmonic tackle his Fourth and Sixth symphonies,one day! |