The Art-Music, Literature and Linguistics Forum

Introduction => Announcements => Topic started by: guest377 on May 15, 2021, 06:14:57 pm

Title: the new moderator
Post by: guest377 on May 15, 2021, 06:14:57 pm
Old, rather

Title: Re: Albion .... are you the new moderator??
Post by: Albion on August 11, 2022, 05:50:51 pm
Thanks, Chris. One realises when one is "xxxx" in terms of forum moderation. I gave up on UC similarly because it is run by xxxx (one in particular). I simply fail to comprehend the mentality: a forum isn't a pet to be tamed and moulded in the image of the one who pulls the strings, it is a place for friends to discuss what interests them both publicly and privately.

The current style is antithetical to my approach, but if members wish to persevere...