Title: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 17, 2012, 05:36:56 am If you were or still are a member of another music forum you will be aware that I posted catalogues of the Orchestral Music of around 300 composers in the Composer Reference Section of that forum.
Rather than attempt to copy each and every one of these onto this forum......which would be (a) enormously time-consuming and (b) somewhat presumptuous of such a brand new member..... I have uploaded all the catalogues to composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com) There you will find all the 'old' catalogues together with new ones for Daniel Asia, Grazyna Bacewicz, John Harbison, Vincent D'Indy, Laszlo Lajtha, GianCarlo Menotti, Alexander Moyzes, Vitezslav Novak, Otakar Ostrcil, Andrzej Panufnik, Gavrill Popov, Christopher Rouse, Vissarion Shebalin, Maximilian Steinberg and Boris Tchaikovsky. These were completed over the last fortnight to try to keep my mind off other difficulties ;D At present the catalogues are in an extended list of pdf files, arranged alphabetically by the initial letter of the composer's first name......but I shall produce a much better Index as soon as I can. Two further points: The 'old' catalogues have, I understand, been archived in another place but now from their new location I can both add more catalogues and can amend and correct existing catalogues. They will therefore have a 'new', organic existence. And, secondly, please, please note that my own interests lie in the fields of orchestral and choral music. My lists do NOT therefore contain chamber music, instrumental music, operas or songs. I apologise now, again, in advance but what you see is what you get from me. If others can add the rest of a composer's musical output then that is just fantastic :) :) What remains, I think, unique to these lists is that I add-where I can-the timing of each work and whether or not it is or has been issued on cd. Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Caostotale on August 17, 2012, 06:29:12 am As regards this section of the board, are the topics listed alphabetically? If this is the case, could a moderator rename the existent topics to reflect the following format:
Last Name, First Name (dates) - Worklist, etc.... ...and require that further lists follow this guideline. The only alternative might be to segregate the names by nationality. I just feel like things are going to get chaotic once a lot more names start showing up. I believe this would make the overall board more organized. Just an idea. EDIT: Either that or we could place some kind of sticky on the top that contains links to all of the composers individual threads. Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Admin on August 17, 2012, 07:44:34 am As regards this section of the board, are the topics listed alphabetically? If this is the case, could a moderator rename the existent topics to reflect the following format: Last Name, First Name (dates) - Worklist, etc.... ...and require that further lists follow this guideline. The only alternative might be to segregate the names by nationality. . . A very good idea. I can do that right away - but first: does every one want the names in a single alphabetical list (i.e. all composers that ever lived, regardless of nationality), or would people prefer to see one sub-board for each nationality (e.g. Czech), with all the Czech composers in an alphabetical list within the Czech sub-board? Actually it doesn't matter much which method is used initially, because it should be easy to change things around once the number of names increases; but it would be nice to have a few pointers as to preferences. Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: cjvinthechair on August 17, 2012, 10:21:15 am Well done & much thanks to Mr. Dundonnell for all his efforts with the composer categorisation - I've 'favourited' their new home already ! Glad to see some of the 'new' names on the list
Regarding future organisation of such lists - if it's easily possible, I'd put my 2 pence-worth in favour of a nationality, then alphabetical split. Many thanks. Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 17, 2012, 03:52:02 pm I agree :)
All the composers from a specific country listed alphabetically by surname. That was how it was done elsewhere(by me, as it happens ;D) but, seriously.....it will be the easiest way of finding a particular composer's worklist. BTW I have updated and added my catalogues for Alun Hoddinott and John McCabe and will do so also for Daniel Jones later (composers.gulabin.com) (http://composers.gulabin.com)) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 17, 2012, 11:16:03 pm Daniel Jones and Peteris Barisons are now updated :)
Many thanks to Latvian for providing so much of Barisons' output :) Those new to the catalogues will find that almost all of the music of Daniel Jones is housed in the British Music Archive :) :) (Incidentally....an * in the catalogues indicates that a private recording of the piece is available either in the British Archive or on application ;D) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Admin on August 18, 2012, 02:38:22 am As will be seen I have now made a start on a top-level categorization, with one board for each nationality, in alphabetical order. Of course not all nationalities are there yet, but I will expand it soon. If you don't see the nationality you want, just post a catalogue in the main board, and I will move it to a new nationality section.
Now I have one question: would people prefer to see separate sections for English Composers, Scottish Composers, Welsh Composers, and Irish Composers? Or would they rather have just one section entitled British and Irish Composers? Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 18, 2012, 03:24:18 am Given that Albion's Catalogue within the Downloads Section is an Archive of British and Irish Music would it not be sensible to just have the one section ???
In any case, categorising particular composers by nationality within the British Isles can get very tricky ;D ;D Iain Hamilton was Scottish in the sense that he was born in Glasgow but he was educated in London and spent his life living in England and the USA. William Wordsworth was English but was educated privately in Scotland and moved to live in the Hghlands for most of his adut life. Messy.......... ;D ;D Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 18, 2012, 04:22:22 am I have just this minute added a catalogue for
Jan Cikker(Slovakia, 1911-89). It can be found at composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com) I have no problem if this catalogue is cross-posted into the Czech Composers section here :) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 18, 2012, 06:08:39 pm Could I replicate a similar plea from John(Albion)....
that someone who is still a member of 'Unsung Composers' let the Italian member alberto know that my catalogues are alive and well ??? Alberto used to go through each and every one with the proverbial fine toothcomb to identify rare cd recordings of pieces of which I was not aware :) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 18, 2012, 10:52:42 pm Now also added that very fine Russian composer Boris Tishchenko(1939-2010).
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Christo on August 19, 2012, 10:48:41 am Could I replicate a similar plea from John(Albion).... that someone who is still a member of 'Unsung Composers' let the Italian member alberto know that my catalogues are alive and well ??? Done. Still waiting for his response. :) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 20, 2012, 09:12:27 pm I have added a Catalogue for the Orchestral and Choral-Orchestral Music of the American composer Richard Danielpour.
(also now at composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com)) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 21, 2012, 02:40:54 am New addition to composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com)
Giya Kancheli(1935-) Kancheli is a Georgian and there is no sub-section for Georgians on here. If one ic created then I shall happily copy my catalogue into that section. Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 22, 2012, 12:26:15 am Addition:
Tikhon Khrennikov(1913-2007) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 23, 2012, 01:09:36 am Addition:
Alexander Tansman(1897-1986) (also at composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com)) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 23, 2012, 03:37:30 am Alfred Schnittke(1934-98) will be joining tomorrow ;D ;D
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 24, 2012, 12:45:52 am To follow the modernist Schnittke is the romantic Hungarian Miklos Rozsa :) :)
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: jimfin on August 24, 2012, 01:18:02 am Ah, I only know Rosza for his music for Hitchcock's "Spellbound", a favourite film of mine. It's lovely stuff, though I am not usually interested in film music. I shall be interested to see what else he has produced. Keep up the wonderful work, Colin!
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 24, 2012, 03:20:56 pm Latest addition is the well-recorded American composer John Corigliano(1938)-.
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: albert on August 24, 2012, 10:40:28 pm Thanks to Dundonnell, Albion and Christo, and wishes to anybody in the forum.
Returned by some days of holiday I am here. In the meantime I have lost a letter in my name.(Luckily for me I will be again absent a few days in order to attend concerts by Ivan Fischer, Jordi Savall, Garrick Ohlsson and Gianandrea Noseda). Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 24, 2012, 10:44:33 pm I suspected that it was your good self back again to keep me right ;D ;D
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 26, 2012, 03:31:45 am Boris Lyatoshinsky(1895-1968) and Alexander Tcherepnin(1899-1977) now added.
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 27, 2012, 06:33:01 am Tadeusz Baird(1938-81) and Lev Knipper(1898-1974) have been added.
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on August 29, 2012, 02:41:45 am Catalogues added for Nino Rota(1911-79), Mieczyslaw Weinberg(1919-96) and Valentin Silvestrov(1937-).
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 09, 2012, 11:50:22 pm Just a reminder ;D that all of the recent catalogues of the orchestral music of a range of Eastern European and Russian composers and which I have posted on this site have also joined the collection at composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com)
By my calculations, there are now 377 catalogues on that site and I hope, very soon, to be indexing them by country as well as the present alphabetical listing by first name. (Truth be told, I am beginning to run out of names of composers to catalogue ;D ;D) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 12, 2012, 02:49:54 pm If anyone is wondering about the rhyme or reasoning behind my current choice of composers to catalogue.....it is now being determined by the existence of examples of their music being available for download from this site :)
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 15, 2012, 03:42:27 am I am in the process of finally adding a country-by-country Index of the 400+ composers whose orchestral music I have catalogued at composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com)
I have done Australia>New Zealand to date, with Norway, Poland and Portugal next up :) One issue I want to raise yet again is where to put certain composers ::) Example: I have put Karol Rathaus in the Austrian section for no other reason than that he was born in 1895 in Tarnopol which was then within the Austro-Hungarian Empire but is now in the Ukraine. Rathaus was, however, of Polish origin, worked in Germany, France and Great Britain and finally settled in the USA. He could, therefore, be legitimately described as Polish or indeed American. We insist that Rachmaninov and Stravinsky remained Russian composers long after they had left Russia for good. Should we not, by the same token therefore, equally insist that Erich Korngold or Ernst Toch remain Austrian composers after they settled in the USA? Hans Gal and Egon Wellesz-who settled in the U.K. therefore remain Austrian too ;D Tansman and Panufnik remain Polish (despite the fact that Panufnik took British citizenship and became Sir Andrzej) although both abandoned their country of origin. And...the other issue has already come up regarding "Soviet Composers". Are the Ukrainians or the Georgians and Armenians born in the USSR now to be classified as "Russian" or as belonging to a part of the USSR now independent ??? ??? Any comments or advice would be most welcome :) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Christo on September 15, 2012, 10:05:23 am My two cents. ;)
In most cases, the solution is rather obvious. "Soviet composers" should be categorized according to the present nationalities, which happen to be former republics too, so in most cases the solution is obvious. Of course there are a few 'Russians' born in Ukraine for example, as e.g. Reinhold Gliere, who should be considered Russian. But even Khatsaturian, who was born in Georgia and made his his career in Moscow, is best understood as an Armenian. The hardest cases are the ones you mention from the former Habsburg realm, like Karol Rathaus. In his case something like 'Austrian-Polish' is almost unavoidable. Often, one's self-identification would provide the best clue: Chopin wanted to be Polish, so he was; the same applies to Stravinsky, or indeed Julius Röntgen. ;D Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 15, 2012, 12:52:49 pm I am perfectly happy with that, Johan :)
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 15, 2012, 07:24:58 pm OK.
Questions ;D Is Weinberg a Russian composer ??? Is Paul Juon a Swiss composer ??? ??? Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Christo on September 15, 2012, 07:30:58 pm Both are 'Russian' - in the often complex meaning of that qualification. ;D
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 16, 2012, 01:01:17 am The Country-by-Country Index of Composer Catalogues is now online at composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com) :) :)
It is complete and up to date (except for poor Franz Reizenstein: I can't make up my mind where to put him ::)) and is the first file on the site. It runs to sixteen pages. The site is also now linked to my own website at www.gulabin.com (http://www.gulabin.com) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: cilgwyn on September 16, 2012, 01:31:23 am Absolutely marvellous! I'm currently listening to the Louis Glass Symphony downloads via this same website. Thanks to Dundonnell,I can look up his all his orchestral compositions & any available recordings on his splendid website,in the twinkling of an eye! In other words,I sit here,with my feet up, supping my bedtime tipple,listening to music while you do all the back breaking slog! What more could a music lover want?!!Cheers! ;D
Seriously,thank you very much! :) Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 16, 2012, 02:04:14 am I love the research/work ;D And if the outcomes are of use to others then that is very welcome and satisfying :) :)
Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: cilgwyn on September 16, 2012, 02:14:56 am Indeed! Keep it up! I can't help wondering whether the powers that be behind a certain other forum might experience a need to make use of them!! ;D
I must say,you certainly have allot to do! There are allot of composers out there,both alive & deceased! By gum,I can actually remember a time when Havergal Brian was an exotic sounding name! ;D Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 19, 2012, 03:22:48 am I would just like to take this opportunity again to thank all those members who point out additions to the works I list as on cd in my catalogues and to those who point out errors :) :)
I cannot emphasise enough how grateful I am to those who obviously take the trouble and time to scrutinize these lists so carefully :) As you will perhaps realise I am working my way alphabetically through those composers whose music is available on here for download. There are a few composers however who defeat my best efforts to construct a workliist of any substance or value. Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: guest140 on September 22, 2012, 12:53:13 pm To avoid double work you cataloguers should check the French Classical Music Forum http://musiqueclassique.forumpro.fr/ (http://musiqueclassique.forumpro.fr/) as well. Some members there do the same work. No every entry of the more than 2000 topic in the subforum "Les compositeurs" contains a complete work list, but many do. So worth to check out.
Best, Tobias Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on September 23, 2012, 12:11:36 am Thank you for that link, Tobias :)
It is extraordinary (well, maybe not ;D) that in this time of the global internet and a rapidly shrinking world the French should seem to stay quite apart, refuse to participate in English-speaking forums, like this, and maintain a quite separate, independent web presence. We have at least three active members from Germany on this forum whose command of the English language is absolutely perfect.....but, as far as I know, no-one from France has ever made themselves known either at GMG, UC or here :( Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: guest54 on October 11, 2012, 12:17:18 pm . . . I posted catalogues of the Orchestral Music of around 300 composers in the Composer Reference Section of that forum. Rather than attempt to copy each and every one of these onto this forum......which would be (a) enormously time-consuming and (b) somewhat presumptuous of such a brand new member..... Not at all . . . Please don't hesitate if you would like to do it! Title: Re: Composer Catalogues: Orchestral and Choral/Orchestral Music Post by: Dundonnell on October 25, 2012, 01:58:06 pm I have added an Introduction to my Composer Catalogues at composers.gulabin.com (http://composers.gulabin.com) In that Introduction-which was long overdue-I hope that I have properly acknowledged my sources of information. I have noted the assistance I have received from other members of this forum-and that applies particularly to the work already done by Albion and kyjo :) :) |