Title: Description of Angola Post by: Admin on November 12, 2023, 09:32:35 am A large territory on the west coast of Africa, Angola was under Portuguese control from the 1500's to 1975. Following a civil war a people's republic was proclaimed that year. Having important mineral resources, it exports coffee, petroleum, diamonds and iron ore. Area: 381,351 square miles. Languages: Portuguese and many native tongues. Capital: Luanda. Monetary System: 5 centavos = 1 Makuta to 1928 100 centavos = 1 Angolar 1926 to 1952 100 centavos = 1 Escudo 1914 to 1926, 1952 to 1975 https://s3.amazonaws.com/ngccoin-production/world-coin-price-guide/57329b.jpg https://s3.amazonaws.com/ngccoin-production/world-coin-price-guide/57329f.jpg |