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German music

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« on: August 28, 2012, 04:03:22 am »

Max Butting:  Symphony No. 3 - Opus 34 (1928)  
Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra/Herbert Kegel

… presumably from a radio broadcast… no LP or CD known to me…
…   from  Mike Herman

Max Butting:  Symphony No. 8  "The Holiday Trip"

Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra/Gerhard Pfluger

Personally recorded from the radio show "Music from East Germany" sometime in the 70's. Mono recording not likely to have ever been commercially released.
...not a trivial work!

Max Butting:  Overture Opus 69
East Berlin Light Orchestra/Werner Eibrenner

…tape from Mike Herman

Karl Amadeus Hartmann:  Symphonic Overture (1942) “China Battle”  Revised 1962

Bavarian Youth Orchestra/Werner Andreas Albert

…from old tape
… sorry about the sound - but it’s the only copy I’ve ever found of this work

Paul Dessau:  Socialist Festival Overture

Leipzig Radio Orchestra/Kegel

… from radio program “Modern Music From East Germany”

Johann Nepomuk David Symphony No. 2 Opus 20 (1938)
Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra/Rolf Reinhardt
…from radio broadcast - with announcements - from Mike Herman

Johann Nepomuk David:  Symphony No. 3 Opus 28 (1941)
Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra/Jacques Mercier

…from a tape of a radio broadcast from Mike Herman

Johann Nepomuk David:  Symphony No. 4 Opus 39 (1948)
ORF Symphony Orchesta/Heger

…as this is my favorite David symphony, I have tapes of this performance from several sources, and every one has flutter at the beginning!  (Do they re-start the finale?)  

Johann Nepomuk David:  Symphony No. 7
Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra/Hans Muller-Kray

…from tape from Mike Herman
… the CD set of his complete symphonies that is in the works from CPO can’t come fast enough!

Johann Nepomuk David:  Symphony No. 8, op. 59 (1964-5)

Munich Philharmonic/Karol Stryja

… probably a broadcast performance, never commercially released
… from Mike Herman

David: Sinfonia Breve Opus 46 (1955)
Hamburg Radio Symphony/Klaus Berbacher

…from radio broadcast - with announcement - from Mike Herman

Marcel Rubin:  Symphony No. 1 in B (1927-1928)  (in Paris)
Das Niederösterreichische Tonkünstlerorchester/Karl Oesterreicher
Allegro ritmico
Molto grave
Allegro energico

…from Preiser LP SPR 130

Marcel Rubin:  Symphony No. 2
Das Niederösterreichische Tonkünstlerorchester/Karl Oesterreicher
…radio broadcast w/announcements and applause - from Mike Herman

… rough start partially fixed…

Marcel Rubin:  Symphony No. 3
1. Allegro giococo
2. Molto tranquillo
3. Animato
Das Niederösterreichische Tonkünstlerorchester/Ernst Märzendorfer

Marcel Rubin:  Symphony No. 4 “Dies Irae”  (1943-45/Revised 1972)

   Grave. Kinderkreuzzug 1939
   Allegro deciso, “Dies Irae”
   Andante. Pastorale
Das Niederösterreichische Tonkünstlerorchester/Kurt Rapf
…from Preiser LP SPR 177

Marcel Rubin:  Symphony No. 6

Vienna Symphony Orchestra/Carl Melles

…radio broadcast of a live performance (from Mike Herman)

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« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2012, 04:50:17 pm »

Kurt Hessenberg: Piano Concerto, Op. 21

Friedrich Wilhelm Schmorr, Piano
Philharmonia Hungarica, Cond Siegfried Krüller

Radio broadcast, Date Unknown

From the collection of Karl Miller
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« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2012, 05:04:11 pm »

Music of Heinrich Kaminski

1 Intro
2. Dorishche Musik (1933)

Bamberg Symphony Orchestra
Jan Koetsier, Conductor

3. Intro
4. Concerto Grosso
5. Outro

Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra
Othmar Maga, conductor

Radio Broadcasts, Dates Unknown

From the collection of Karl Miller
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« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2012, 05:22:49 pm »

Hermann Schroeder Piano Concerto
Tiny Wirtz, Piano
Köln Radio Symphony Orchestra
Wilhelm Schrichter, conductor

From the collection of Karl Miller

Radio Broadcast, Date Unknown

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« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 12:52:13 am »

Music of Jurg Baur

Pentagramm, Concerto for Wind Quartet
(Radio Broadcast, Date Unknown)
Danzi Quintet, Cologne(?) Radio Symphony Orchestra
Zdenek Macal, conductor

Symphony 1
Duisburg Symphony Orchestra, Lawrence Foster, conductor (Date Unknown)

Duisburger Sinfonia (Patetcia)
Duisburg Symphony Orchestra, Lawrence Foster, conductor (1983)

MP3s, 192 kps
Not commercially released
From the collection of Karl Miller

We have some clarification on these tracks from Holger--


    actually the First Symphony is the same work as the Duisburger Sinfonia, I guess it might even be the same performance maybe recorded by two different persons.

    This is what is behind the confusion: Jürg Baur's First Symphony is called "Sinfonie einer Stadt (Patetica)", which means "Symphony of a City" in English. The city Baur means is Duisburg, if I remember correctly he composed in on commission for some jubilee. The piece is from 1983. As some members are interested in movement titles, here is what I know:

    I. Invocation (Passacaglia)
    II. Melancholie
    III. Scherzo tumultoso
    IV. [don't know]

Another  update, courtesy of Holger:

    Checking the information I gathered for myself once again, there is another correction regarding the Jürg Baur upload. The orchestra playing in the "Pentagramm" Concerto is not the Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, but the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest (from the Netherlands). This can be heard if listening to the announcer carefully. To provide some more details, here are the members of the Danzi Quintet who play in this recording: Frans Vester (flute), Koen van Slogtere (oboe), Piet Honigh (clarinet), Brian Pollard (Bassoon) and Adriaan van Woudenberg (French Horn).

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« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2012, 09:46:51 pm »

Rainer Kunad (b 1936) 

Sinfonietta (1969)
Movements: 1. Streitbar (Contentius); 2. Tänzerisches Intermezzo; 3. Feierlich (Festive)

Rolf Kleinert, conductor

Antiphonie [for 2 Orchestral groups and Rhythmgroup Conatum 51](1971)
Horst Neumann, conductor

from LP Nova 8 85 113

Both the works were taken from the original radio broadcasts by the Radio of the GDR. The Sinfonietta in 1971, the Antiphonie in 1976.
The record was released in 1977.
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« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2012, 09:48:24 pm »

Rainer Kunad (b 1936)

Duomix für Violine und Cembalo (1974) (for violin and harpsichord)
Gustav Schmahl, violin
Armin Thalhem, harpsichord

Melodie, die ich verloren hatte (Melody, that I had lost) A Song Cycle after Poems by Günter Deicke
for soprano, flute, 2 viola's, 2 violoncelli

Lenelies Höhle, soprano
Helmut Rucker, flute
Günter Siering and Herbert Schneider, viola
Wolfgang Bromberger and Erhard Hoppe, violoncello

from LP Nova 8 85 113
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« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2012, 09:52:58 pm »

Eduard Künneke (1885-1953)

- Tänzerische Suite -Concerto Grosso for Jazzband and Large Orchestraünneke_TänzerischeSte.part1.rarünneke_TänzerischeSte.part2.rar

Berliner Philharmoniker
Eduard Künneke, conductor

- Lönslieder-Suite (Arr. by F. Marszalek)
Orchester des Deutschen Opernhauses Berlin
Eduard Künneke, conductorünneke_LönsliederSte.rar

- Biedermeier Suite
Großes Symphonie-Orchester
Eduard Künneke, conductorünneke_BiedermeierSte.part1.rarünneke_BiedermeierSte.part2.rar

from lp Telefunken 6.41906 AJ

Eduard Künneke is/was famous for his opera's and operettes.
On the occasion of Künneke's 75th birthday Teldec pressed a vinyl where he conducts
his own works.

The "roaring twenties' brought new music to Berlin, especially jazz or jazzy music
from the USA. Many classical composer incorperated this in their works. You hear the
evidence of that in works of f.i. Hindemith. Among the many other composers using it,
was Künneke. His Tänzerische Suite (*Dance Suite),is a Concerto Grosso for Jazzband
and Large Orchestra. So here is light classical music played by the Berliner
Philharmoniker. Later Künneke rearranged the Suite for other ensembles, but here the
original version is used.
The Biedermeier-Suite is, so to say, the complete opposite: this is real German music,
looking back at times gone by.
The subtitle says: Es ist noch nicht so lange her. (It was not so long ago).

I'm usually not to fond of 'historical recordings', because quality of the sounds, but
this recording, and especially the oldest one  gives surprisingly, quite a good sound.

The Tänzerische Suite was recorded Feb 14 1938. The other two are both from 1943.

Here is a scan of the backside of the sleeve:ünnekeNotes.jpg
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« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2012, 09:57:24 pm »

Wilhelm Weismann (1900-1980)
Die Dreistrophenkantate (The three-stanza cantata) for Bariton, mixed choir and 12 instruments (1972)

from lp Nova 8 85 165

3 baritones: Siegfried Hausmann, Bernhard Strohbach and Gert Gruner
Rundfunkchor Berlin (Radio Chorus Berlin)
12 instrumentalists: Flute, oboe, clarinet, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, trombone, double bass and piano
conductor: Wolf-Dieter Hauschild
(translation -freely- of the sleeve note)
The cantata was composed in 1972, a year after the death of Georg Maurer, who's Dreistrophenkalender' the text for the cantata offered. Weismann brings the fluidum of each poem into sound. Striking how orchestral he manages the chamber music ensemble. It looks like all the participants are in conversation wich each other, in a pensive, contemplative, humorous and cheerful way. The many voices nature makes use of polyphony to be marching with the
bursting buds of spring. In the andante 'Afternoon'-skirmish the sky and meadow come close to eachother, flutes and horns-dialogue, supports the floating piano, almost recitative-like singing.
"Before the Kiss," there begins a serious, gentle siciliano-singing of the women's choir, a weighing
of what is most needed: a delicately sheathed desire.
Arpeggiated piano chords and bass accents accompany the first-love.  The oboe suggests the change into deeper feelings.
'Peace' is a solemn Andante for solo and chorus, reminiscent of ancient choral traditions, and the
final 'roundelay' brings a joyful solo choir final.

Wilhelm Weismann is known for compositions in which classical and popular music are brought together. For nearly 40-years Weismann was employed at the Peters Musik Verlag, since the GDR time VEB Edition Peters. As a composer Weismann was first of all a 'vocal'-composer. Many works on poems by Hölderlin und Goethe, as well as Pablo Neruda and Georg Maurer were composed.

Die Hochzeit der Tiere (The Marriage of the Animals)
A Tanz-Kantate (Dance Cantata) (1961-62) on text of Johann Herders 'Die Lustige Hochzeit', a part of his 'Stimmen der Völker in Lieder'.
for 5 solo singers, childrens choir, mixed choir and orchestra.

Text-file: The file contains the performers

from lp Nova 8 85 165, released 1979 (Nova was a label from VEB Deutsche Schallplatten Berlin , DDR (GDR).

Sonata Nº 3, in A sharp major 'Tanzvariationen' (Dance Variations) (1956-57)
1. Rezitativ und Choral. Moderato - Tempo di Tango (molto grave)
2. Tempo di Blues
3. L'istesso tempo - in modo di Rondo
Here is his finest answer in combining 'serious' and 'popular' music.

Selection from '24 kleine Präludien, Tänze und Stücke' (24 small Preludes, Dances and Pieces) (composed between 1969 and 1971)
Nºs 7 Präludium, 8 Toccata, 9 Altes Madrigal (Old madrigal), 10 Aria della ciaconna, 15 Elegie,
16 Präludium, 18 Porträt eines jungen Mädchens (Portrait of a young girl), 19 Das Hirtengedicht (Shephard's poem), 21 Ostinato, 24 Kleine Partita über 'Es taget vor dem Walde'

Günter Philipp, piano
Both works are here:
from lp Nova 8 85 165 (of 1979)
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« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2012, 10:02:09 pm »

Ernst Hermann Meyer (1905-1988)

String Quartet Nº 1, in G (1956)
1. Serenata seria-serena
2. Canzona. Andantino quasi allegretto
3. Finale. Molto allegro

String Quartet Nº 2 (1959)
1. Andante, molto tranquillo
2. Allegro assai moderato
3. Andante tranquillo

Ulbrich- Quartett
(Rudolf Ulbrich, 1st violin; Horst Titscher, 2nd violin; Joachim Zindler, viola; Andreas Priebst (cello)

both quartets were taken from lp Nova 8 85 196 (from 1980)

Already as an 11-year old he produced a string quartet. He himself played many times as a member of a Quartet. During his years in exile, in England, he even played with the famous Amadeus-Quartett.
Back in Germany, in the GDR, his teacher and friend Hanns Eisler, wrote in the early 1960s that Ernst Hermann Meyer wrote two quartets of significance in the chamber music of the GDR.

Konzert fü Orchester mit obligatem Klavier (1975)
(Concerto for orchestra with obbligato piano)
1. Allegro brio; 2.Larghetto; 3. Allegro con fuoco

Barnd Kasper, piano
Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin (Radio SO Berlin)
Heinz Rögner, conductor

ATTN: splitted rar-files. Download both files and un-rar only part 1. The rest follows automatically

from lp Nova 8 85 136 (released 1977)

Poem für Viola und Orchester (1962)

Davia Binder, viola
Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Leipzig
Herbert Kegel, conductor

from lp Nova 8 85 136 (released 1977)
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« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2012, 10:05:00 pm »

Johan Cilenšek (1913-98)  -  Symphony Nº 1 (1954)

1. Andante sostenuto (etwas frei) - Allegro molto  (etwas frei in English: somewhat freely)
2. Allegretto grazisos
3. Largo
4. Allegro molto

Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin
Heinz Bongartz, conductor

ATTN: splitted rar-files. Download both files and un-rar only part 1. The rest follows automatically

from lp Nova 8 80 148

On the same lp is a recording of his 4th symphony, but this was re-issued on cd (Berlin Classics
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« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2012, 05:44:04 pm »

Leo Spies--Excerpts from Apollo and Daphne Ballet

Berlin SRO, Robert Hanell, Conductor
 Radio Broadcast, Date unknown

From the collection of Karl Miller

Brief Bio for
(b Moscow, 4 June 1899; d Ahrenshoop an der Ostsee, 1 May 1965). German composer. He was educated in Moscow, where he encountered the music of Skryabin and Prokofiev, and in Dresden and Berlin. He worked in Germany as a theatre conductor and teacher and wrote in most concert genres, influenced by the Russian Romantics and by Janáček. In the 1920s he joined the circle round Eisler and worked with the workers choral movement; latterly he has written for young people.
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« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2012, 01:35:19 am »

Symphony 3 by Fritz Reuter
Munich Philharmonic,  radio broadcast, date unknown
Ralf Reuter, Conductor

From the collection of Karl Miller


We found a little more info with the help of some folks at UC--

Fritz Reuter (Composer, Arranger)
Born: September 9, 1896
Died: July 4, 1963
Fritz Reuter was a famous German composer, musicologist and pedagogue. He taught in Leipzig. Among his pupils was the conductor Lars Erik Larsson (1908-1986). His son is the conductor Rolf Reuter, and his grandaughter is the violist Sophia Reuter (b 1971).

His Sonata for Violin & Piano in E minor (1953) can be heard at:

Barbara Reuter-Rau - violin (daughter)
Rolf Reuter - piano (son)
-- recorded from rare Mono LP made in GDR (DDR, 1965) --

The site adds that:
Fritz Reuter's teacher were Robert Teichmüller, Hermann Strauben, Stephan Krehl, Hugo Riemann und Arnold Schering and Hermann Abert.

Prof. Dr. Fritz Reuter was the teacher in music theory /conducting of Franz Konwitschny !! and Gerhard Wohlgemuth (composer), Georg Trexler (composer).
For bio of grandaughter, Sophia Reuter -

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« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2012, 02:07:41 am »

Johann Cilensek, Piano Concerto

Dieter Zechlin, Piano
Weimar State Orchestra
Hermann Abendroth, conductor
Radio Broadcast, Date Unknown


From the collection of Karl Miller

Wikipedia Entry (machine translated)
Johann Cilenšek (* 4. December 1913 in Grossdubrau; † 14. December 1998) was a German composer and university teacher as well as a vice-president of the academy of the arts of the GDR.

Johann Cilenšek was born 1913 as a son of a porcelain turner in the Saxonian Grossdubrau ( close Bautzen) and visited from 1924 to 1933 the high school in Bautzen. 1933 it was committed to 1934 in the porcelain factory Hermsdorf to the realm work service and worked. it studied 1935 to 1939 at church-musical Institut in Leipzig with Johann Nepomuk David (composition) and Friedrich Högner (organ). it joined 1937 the NSDAP . From beginning of war 1939 to end of war 1945 it was conscripted as Schleifer and turners.

1945 joined Cilenšek of the KPD and 1946 the SED . He became a teacher and 1947 professor for clay/tone set and composition at the Thuringian national conservatoire. It was 1951 to 1956 and 1964 to 1966 of chairmen of the regional organization Thuringia of the federation of German composers, in addition since 1961 member of the academy of the arts. Starting from 1966 it was as successors of Werner Felix Rektor of the university for music Franz Liszt Weimar until 1972. 1978 he became vice-president of the academy of the arts. Cilenšek emeritierte 1980.
It received the national price and 1983 the patriotic earnings/service medal to 1970.

Cilenšek composed five symphonies, piano concerts, a concert for organ and caper orchestra, concerts for solo instruments and orchestra, silhouettes for 15 solo strike ago, a mosaic for large caper orchestra, Sonaten, choir works and songs.

Note:  If there is more than one piano concerto of his (as implied above) I'd appreciate any help identifying which one.

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« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2012, 12:57:02 pm »

Piano Concerto by Wilhelm Killmayer

Gunther Ludwig, Piano
Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra
Otto Matzerath, conductor

Radio Broadcast, Date unknown

From the collection of Karl Miller


Wikipedia Entry:

Wilhelm Killmayer (born 21 August 1927 in Munich) is a German composer of classical music and an academic.

Wilhelm Killmayer studied conducting and composition from 1945 to 1951 in Munich at Hermann Wolfgang von Waltershausen’s Musikseminar. At the same time, he was enrolled at the Munich University where he studied musicology with Rudolf von Ficker and Walter Riezler, and German studies.[1] He was a private student of Carl Orff from 1951 and was admitted to his master class at the Staatliche Musikhochschule in 1953. He was a scholar at the Villa Massimo twice, in 1958 and 1965/66.[2]

Killmayer was a teacher of music theory and counterpoint at the Trappsches Konservatorium in Munich from 1955. He was a conductor of the Bavarian State Opera's ballet from 1961 to 1964. From 1973 to 1992 he was a professor of composition at the Hochschule für Musik.[2] Among his students are Max Beckschäfer, Sandeep Bhagwati, Rudi Spring and Laurence Traiger.

Killmayers first composition was Lorca-Romanzen after Federico García Lorca, premiered at the Donaueschingen Festival.[3] In 1954 he composed a Missa brevis, which was recorded and reviewed:

"Young (29) Munich-born Composer Wilhelm Killmayer's Missa Brevis ripples with exciting, shifting rhythms and rises skillfully to a colorful series of blasting choral climaxes occasionally more reminiscent of the bandstand than the choir.[4]"

Killmayer composed three symphonies called Fogli (1968), Ricordanze (1968/69) and Menschen-Los (1972/73, revised 1988). He composed other orchestral works such as Nachtgedanken (1973), and music for chamber orchestra, The woods so wilde (1970), Schumann in Endenich (1972) and Kindertage (1973). His stage works La Buffonata (1959/60) and Yolimba (new version 1970) are based on texts by Tankred Dorst.[5] For the 20th anniversary of the Münchener Kammerorchester Killmayer composed in 1970 Fin al punto for string orchestra, which premiered in 1971, conducted by Hans Stadlmair.[6] He wrote about this work:

"The calm already contains the catastrophe. Out of the calm grows the movement that drives itself to the furthest extreme of its powers, where it collapses. It is the point at which one gives up, beyond which one can escape into the open.[7] "

Interested in poetry and the voice, he composed Lieder, three cycles of Hölderlin-Lieder based on Friedrich Hölderlin (1980s), song cycles based on Joseph von Eichendorff (1991), Georg Trakl (1993 and 1996) and Peter Härtling (1993), and ballads such as Heinrich Heine's Ali Bey (2006) and Eduard Mörike’s Der Feuerreiter (2007).[5]
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