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« Reply #93 on: February 18, 2013, 12:01:59 am » |
Josef Páleníček: Poéma o Člověku (“Poem on Man”) - cantata - (1961) 1. A Man is Born 2. Ecce Homo 3. Domini Canes 4. Mater Dolorosa 5. The Morning Star 6. The Word “Man” Is One of Pride Véra Soukupová – alto Karel Berman – bass Czech Radio Choir/Jan Maria Dobrodinský Czech Radio Children’s Choir/Čestmir Stašek Choir of the Brataslava Technical Institute/Pavol Procházka Czech Radio Symphony/Serge Baudo …from Supraphon LP 1112 2680 (not reissued) http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zae73bhy7068w9thttp://www.mediafire.com/?b2t376by9rs39gc
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 09:47:51 am by the Administration »
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« Reply #94 on: February 18, 2013, 12:05:38 am » |
Jan Kapr: Symphony No. 5 “Olympic” for Brass, Percussion, 2 pianos, organ, violins and double-bases (1959, final version 1963)Czech Philharmonic/Eduard Fischer …tape of live performance - from Mike Herman’s collection http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d1idqnxta0u5squCtirad Kohoutek: Symphony “The Great Turning Point” (1960-62)Prague Symphony Orchestra/Slovak …from Mike Herman’s collection … from non-reissued Supraphon LP http://www.mediafire.com/?zd3myrm4tm93fn1
« Reply #95 on: March 01, 2013, 11:37:43 am » |
Jiri Teml (1935- ) : “Sonnets” Song cycle on texts by William Shakespeare for baritone and chamber orchestra (1997) http://www.mediafire.com/?mmz01on4axe9pxp Roman Janál, baritone / Hynek Farkač Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra Czech Radio Vltava broadcast at 14.February.2013
« Reply #96 on: March 01, 2013, 12:47:21 pm » |
Miroslav Hlavac (1923-2008) : “The Sorcerer's Apprentice” Suite from the Ballet (1964) http://www.mediafire.com/?4m93te5bvycc6ba Hynek Farkac / Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra Czech Radio Vltava broadcastat at 24.January.2013 ch
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Vaclav Dobias: Stalingrad (1945) Cantata for Baritone, Male Choir, Reciter, and Symphony Orchestra Text: Jiří Miloslav Novák René Tuček – baritone Czech Radio Choir/Milan Malý Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra/Krombholc …from Panton 11 0558 (stereo) LP - no CD copy of this performance is known to me http://www.mediafire.com/?rg0gjgv5r8bgf6e
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Emil Axman: Symphony No. 5 “Dithyrambic” Brno State Philharmonic/Jilek …apparent tape of broadcast performance - not commercially available … from Mike Herman http://www.mediafire.com/download/w6c6j3h60wf0kps/Axman_5th_Dithyrambic.zipI thought I'd better re-post this, since the original link was to something else! (See my apology in the "discussion" section!) :-[
Level 2

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Josef Bohuslav Foerster (1859-1951) Missa Glagolytica for Choir and Orchestra Opus 123 (1923)1. Kyrie 2. Gloria 3. Credo 4. Sanctus/Benedictus 5. Agnus Dei Libuše Domaníská – soprano Marie Mrázova – alto Zdenek Svehla – tenor Eduard Haken – bass Ladislav Vachulka – organ Prague Radio Boys Choir Philharmonic Choir of the Slovak Radio Prague Symphony FOK/Dr. Václav Smetáček …from Musica Sacra LP AMS 63 (1964) …unlikely to have been released on CD http://www.mediafire.com/?zpfpcsldswbsmrd
Ctirad Kohoutek (1929 to 2011): String quartet (1959)http://www.mediafire.com/?c6s9yvr60bbyt9aFrom a wireless broadcast. Duration nineteen minutes. Played by the Kynclovo Kvarteto. Grove: "12-note serialism appealed to his systematic nature, and he used the technique in the chamber works of the late 1950s." The influence of Bach is evident; pleasant listening.
Jiří Bezděk (born 1961) - his Second Symphony "Krajino duše mé": http://www.mediafire.com/?prsltoek81eb8rrFrom a wireless broadcast. Duration twenty-one minutes. Performed by the Plzeňská Filharmonie under Tomáš Brauner. This work appeared in 2008 [ thanks Elroel!]. (His First Symphony dates from 1998.) In places I find it strangely reminiscent of Vaughan-Williams in rumpty-tumpty mood. Some further information about the composer may be found here: http://www.musica.cz/skladatele/bezdek-jiri.html
Bohuslav Martinů (1890 to 1959): Cantata "A Czech Rhapsody" H118 (1918), for symphony orchestra, organ, baritone and mixed choir. http://www.mediafire.com/?q91vimm4nl1moi7From a wireless broadcast. Performed by Ivan Kusnjer (baritone), the Kühn chorus, an unnamed organist, and the city of Prague municipal orchestra FOK, conducted by Jiří Bělohlávek. Vyrobeno v ČR. Duration thirty-seven minutes. This weighty work appeared a few years before Martinů found his distinctive personal style; in it may be heard strong echoes of Tschaikovsky's Sixth Symphony (that very doleful final movement), Finlandia, and even the Sorcerer's Apprentice; but the harmony in places is much more adventurous than in any of those. 1918 was of course the year in which the Czecho-slovakian nation was established.