« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2015, 09:38:47 am » |
On Youtube, Mr. Jonathan Powell (Thanks) play the piece "Little Suita and Passacaglia" by Eugen Suchon. Just write in search field Suchon Suite, and You will find it. The piece there is in piano version. And here I upload the orchestral version: Eugen Suchon Little Suite and Passacaglia op. 3 The Chronological Number Of Work : 048 (1931/1945) Parts : Preludium Arietta Scherzo Passacaglia Reiminiscenza SOSR (Symfonicky Orchester Slovenskeho Rozhlasu) Conductor : Mario Kosik http://www.mediafire.com/download/9brwhmsv5vg6v66/Mala+Suita.mp3
« Reply #48 on: February 25, 2015, 10:11:41 am » |
Eugen Suchon Bacovske piesne for Baritone (Bass) and Piano (Orchestra) (Shepherd's Songs) This is version for Baritone and Orchestra Chronological Number Of Work : 043 1929/1985, but I don't know from which year is my version (for Baritone and Orchestra) The text is from folk poetry Parts : Ja som baca velmi stary Ani kukuk ani sova Ja baca stary Hopsa Zuzka Zelena sa bucina Baritone : Martin Mikus SOSR Conductor : Andrej Kokos http://www.mediafire.com/download/x4bx7soxx58wy98/Bacovske+piesne.mp3
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Posts: 66
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2015, 06:55:56 am » |
Just one movement from Suchon's epic Kaleidoskop. I will try to find a recording of it all and post it.
« Reply #50 on: April 05, 2015, 12:56:48 pm » |
Eugen Suchon "Suita Číslo 1 pre Sláčikový Orchester" "Suite No 1 for String Orchestra" The Chronological Number Of Work : 096/3 Year : probably 1976 (?) Eugen Suchon used in this work two parts - "Scherzo" and "Gavotte" from the First Suite for Piano (1926), then Suchon used "Nocturne D flat Major" (Des Dur) for Piano (1926), then "Romance" for Piano (1925) and "Intermezzo capricioso" for Piano (1926). This "Intermezzo capricioso" was "bring together" (maybe "combined" (sorry for my english)) with the theme from Suchon's operetta "On a jeho sestra" ("He and his sister" - 1927). The theme comes from the music played between the acts from this operetta. So, this theme, combined with "Intermezzo capricioso" make together the last, final part of this Suite for String Orchestra No 1. So at the end the parts are : - Nocturno - Romanza - Scherzo - Gavotta (Gavotte) - Finale Performers : Komorné Združenie (Chmaber Ensemble) Dirigent (Conductor) : Vlastimil Horák From Slovakian Radio Broadcast http://www.mediafire.com/download/iqvk8w5j6xj92j8/Suchon+-+Suite+No+1+for+Strings.mp3